Affiliates Enterprise and Optimize Press 2

Hello, I noticed that optimize press 2 uses S2Member (built in). When I go to enable Affiliates s2member plugin, it doesn’t recognize that it’s installed. What options do I have. I have tried installing s2member but there’s a mess of a mix of both during registration and levels of security for pages are mixed up.

Perhaps I can modify some code in the s2member affiliates plugin to recognize the path for the optimize press 2 install of s2member integration? Thank you and I would appreciate a prompt response to this.

3 Responses to Affiliates Enterprise and Optimize Press 2

  1. cramirez77 March 23, 2014 at 10:20 am #

    You’re right. I believe s2member has been relabeled inside of OP.. Where does affiliates plugin s2member check for the install? Maybe I can modify the code to have it recognize the OP2 location?

    • kento March 26, 2014 at 10:46 am #

      You could substitute the occurrence of 's2member/s2member.php' in affiliates-s2member.php with the renamed plugin’s file. But I sense that this won’t be the only problem you would have to face, if it’s really a cloned s2member what’s in there, then that by itself is a terrible approach, at least in my opinion, you know what I mean? 😉

  2. kento March 17, 2014 at 4:05 pm #

    Hi Cesar,

    From what I can see, s2member isn’t part of OptimizePress, it mentions a few membership plugins there, but nothing about s2Member. I suppose s2member and OP rather conflict in that sense, based on what you’ve explained.

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