email invitation

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HI there, I understand how to use the affiliate area and how referrals work.
Just wondering if there is a way to display an email invitation box to friends that inherently includes the affiliation.
In other words, say a customer has bought through woocommerce, comes to the end of the transaction, they see an invite friends box straight up, without the need to take the affiliate link and write their own email/ webpage etc.
Is this possible?

3 Responses to email invitation

  1. Jacob March 5, 2014 at 3:47 am #

    Hi Kento,

    I have installed the Affiliates Share plugin you recommended, together with the AddThis integration, however
    it looks to me like a simple invitation or literal ‘share’. Have I understood this correctly?
    Or does this share plugin *include* the affiliate link?
    I ask this because there doesn’t seem to be any new affiliates that show in the affiliate area after sharing.
    How does someone get their commission off the back of a share?
    Can you please explain this to me. It’s still unclear.
    I have Affiliate Pro installed as well.
    Does this track the commissions?

    Does someone need to *manually* become an affiliate to derive a benefit from the share?

    Ultimately all I want to achieve is at the end of a transaction in Woothemes, a client can tell their friends and if their friends come back to the site they get rewarded automatically. At the moment I understand that it looks like there’s no reward to either party unless they sign up to be an affiliate, is that right?

    Thanks for your help.


    • kento March 7, 2014 at 11:00 pm #

      Hi Jacob,

      If someone shares a link and is logged in as an affiliate, visitors who come through that link are viewed as referred and the system records the visit related to the referring affiliate. If a purchase is made by a visitor during the period which is considered valid for referral, then the affiliate is credited with a commission and a referral is recorded which reflects that commission. This is different from signing up as an affiliate, i.e. just because someone signs up after visiting, it doesn’t mean they become affiliates automatically.

      Affiliates Pro records the referrals when requested by an integration. When using WooCommerce, you would either use the Light integration or the integration for WooCommerce that comes with the Affiliates Pro integration pack. The combination will result in a referral being recorded on referred purchases.

      For example, after an affiliate has placed an order, you can use share buttons so they can share a link with their affiliate ID added. Once they’ve done that, if a customer makes a purchase after visiting the link they shared, the affiliate gets a commission for their purchase. Again, this will only happen if the integration plugin is activated as well. Make sure that you have a submenu item for WooCommerce under the Affiliates menu, if not, you’ll need to add the integration plugin.

      I hope that helps getting a better understanding of how this works, but please feel free to ask if you need further help.

  2. kento February 20, 2014 at 1:09 pm #

    Hi Jacob,

    I would suggest to use Affiliates Share for that, especially with the AddThis integration it would allow a more flexible way to let affiliates invite their friends, including via email and social networks.

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