Show earnings made from tier 2

Is there a way to show the affiliate how much money he has made from his tier 2?
For example, Adam bring David as his tier 2. and David sales a product and earns $30 and Adam earns $10.
Is there any function or shortcode which will present Adam that he earned a total of $10 from his “team” (tier 2)?

Thanks in advance

5 Responses to Show earnings made from tier 2

  1. George October 10, 2018 at 8:39 am #

    Hi Oren,
    The best way would be to follow the process and use an affiliate’s link that resides on depth 2.


  2. orenedree October 8, 2018 at 12:53 pm #

    hmm ok I guess it might work – but probably meanwhile it’s empty since I haven’t made any 2nd tier sales.
    is there a way to enter manual sales for 2nd tier to check how the feature is being shown?


  3. George October 8, 2018 at 11:47 am #

    Hi Oren,

    Let’s assume that Oren has referred George. George in turn has referred Adam.

    Adam will be in depth 2 of Oren and whenever Adam gets a commission on a sale, George will get a commission based on rate set for level 1 and Oren will get a commission based on rate set for level 2.
    If you visit affiliate area page as Oren, [affiliates_tiers] shortcode will render the affiliate tree like this:
    (commission earned by Adam’s referred sale ).

    If the example matches your affiliate tree then check your referrals and make sure they are accepted. If on the other hand you wish to include pending affiliates too, then you should use the attribute pending=”yes”, like this
    [affiliates_tiers pending="yes"]

    Hope this helps you.


  4. orenedree October 6, 2018 at 2:11 pm #

    hey George,
    I have read the whole documentation and didn’t see any option to see how much money I have earned from the affiliate I have brought.
    Is it possible to see the earnings that I got from my tier 2?

    For example – if we use the above mentioned example then Adam should see:
    My earnings: *total earnings*
    My earnings from my team: $10 (*earnings he has made from his team – which is David*)

    Is it possible?

  5. George October 5, 2018 at 8:39 am #

    Hi Oren,

    Yes please have a look at [affiliates_tiers] shortcode. This shortcode is responsible for displaying information about the referred affiliates ( tiers ). The documentation page contains all the supported attributes for this shortcode.

    Kind regards,

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