Tag: checkout

  • Client bought 2 products but affiliate got rewarded only for 1

    I have set my commission to be by rate and I have set it correctly. Since i can see the earnings on the affiliate area section. However I have a problem. when the client enters an affiliate link and decides to buy 2 products instead of one and he updates the number of products on…

  • Checkout page not redirecting to payment gateway

    Hi, I’m using woocommerce + affiliates pro. When the subscriber buys some product and goes to the checkout page, the “make payment” button is frozen and does not redirect the user to the paypal or pagseguro page. If I disable Affiliates Pro, the checkout works. When we created the site in 2015 everything worked, but…

  • Direct link to checkout for a product with affiliate tracking?

    Hi It is possible to put a link directly to the checkout for a specific product, thereby bypassing all the product information and the rest of the website, and just making the fastest route to complete a purchase. Here is an example on my site for this direct to checkout for a specific product link:…

  • Problem with Coupon

    Hi, I installed the exstension Affiliates Pro for WordPress with WooCommerce. I need to connect a affiliate with a purchase code of the shop. I created the new affiliate member and i created the coupon in the specificy section of woocommerce. I connected the affiliate with the coupon by attribute. When I try to buy…

  • Internal server error on check out

    Hello, i have the last version of the plugin: 2.12.0 in the check out page, when i click “enter order”, i have “internal server error” If i disable the plugin the check out page work! What is the problem? My site: http://prodottidellavittoria.it

  • Conflicting with WooCommerce Checkout

    Hi Kento, I have finished installing Affiliate Enterprise, but just now realise that all purchases are ‘getting stuck’ at the checkout when the final ‘Place Order’ button is pressed. When I deactivate the plugin, they go through. When I reactive, they get stuck. Have you come across this issue before? Obviously is a critical one…

  • Affiliates Pro not tracking Paypal Express checkout

    Good evening all, I’ve tried searching your forums for information. I’m running WP 3.8.3, Affiliates Pro 2.6, Affiliates WooCommerce Integration 1.3.5, and WooCommerce 2.1.8 with Paypal Express Plugin. When I use standard checkout, it seems to track the affiliate referral appropriately. When I go to use the Paypal Express Checkout button/payment, it tracks the hit…

  • Allocate purchase to affiliate

    Hi there, I’m continuing with my implementation of Affiliates Enterprise, Affiliates Products, and Affiliates by Username. I am trying to make affiliate links the primary way of selling for my resellers. However, there may be some instances where this may not work and I’m wondering if you can help. So, this is a summary of…
