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Tag: login
How to change url of wordpress login??
Hi! I checked the box “Redirect to the WordPress login when a user who is not logged in tries to access a file” in the settings but it is redirecting to the admin login (/wp-admin)… I need to change it to /connexion that is the user login… how can I do that?? Thanks and have…
need more clarification on forget password
AS you mention in this topic forget password forget password link goes to WordPress forget password section but we want separate for affiliate how we can achieve this
forget password
forget password option not available on the affiliate login page, how can we add that
Affiliates Permanent + Login – Register Plugins (like login with Ajax)
Hello! I want more login and register options and customisations than the official old wordpress one, so I started to test wordpress login + register plugins combining with you Affiliates Enterprise + Affiliates Permanent. The “Super Socializer” plugin works (for making the permanent affiliate connection upon user registration), but it only allows login and registration…
Redirection after login
Hello again George, Question: After a user creates an affiliate account and logs in, how can I get the system to re-direct them to the affiliate area page? Right now it’s just I have them logging in at /affiliate-login and once they login it just stays on /affiliate-login. Ideally it would take them to /affiliate-area.…
Affiliates unable to login via mobile
Hi Guys, Just installed and set up the plugin on our website ( but have an issue I need your help with. An Affiliate just registered but is unable to log into the Affiliate area on a mobile phone, I tried to as well and am also unable to from a mobile but it works…
new affiliates upable to set up an account?
Hi, I have been with you guys for some years now and like it so far. For some reason though now new affiliates are not able to set up an account? They get redirected to the login page and when trying to login again, the system doesn’t recognize it. Not sure what’s going on, please…
Redirect Failed Login to Same Page
If the wrong login credentials are used for the login form , the person is redirected to the WordPress Login Page. Do you have a recommended method for refreshing the custom login page rather than redirecting to the wordpress login page? If code is the best method, what code can I add to my child…
New User
I just bought the affiliates pro. How can I set payments to affiliates done with paypal? Also on the affiliates area page there is written log in to affilates area but where do they log in as there is only registration form?
Firefox.. login not showing
In firefox the login doesn’t show.. but it does in Chrome.. Can you help? Thanks..
Association Not Working #2
This is a follow-up to : Hey George, Thank you for the suggestion, however I’m really not sure how I would go about achieving this. What do you mean by initiating ajax only on failed logins? That’s not an option provided by WLL. Why does changing the ajax init prevent Affiliates Permanent from making…
Association not working
Hi guys, We use a plugin to display a modal login/register form. I’m not sure what’s going on but it seems that new users are not tied to their referring affiliate when they create a new account. Since I was under the impression the plugin uses the standard way to log/register users according to the…
Auto login after affiliate account creation not working
So at one time when our affiliates would create their account with the affiliate sign-up form it would submit and then log them directly into wordpress. At some point this broke. They no longer get auto-logged in. The account does get created…we just need to auto log it in. We have been trying to figure…
Auto login stopped working on Affiliate Account Creation
Hi There, So we are trying to troubleshoot something that is driving us crazy. We had our setup so that after the affiliate form was filled out it would auto login the affiliate into wordpress. At some point this has broke. We are trying to confirm if this feature still works with WP 4.3….. we…