Tag: reports

  • Affliate Pro

    Hi There, I have had Affliate Pro, set up for a few months now in my website and on Pay Pal. I am not sure it is fully functional and working properly. I rung Pay Pal to see if they can see it is working but they said I need to get in touch with…

  • Rates

    Hello, Our website (discoveryourpathu.com) sells online courses and the way instructors are paid is using rates. So course is created with affiliate as author, rates are set up using the woocommerce integration and linking affiliate to each product and setting a rate. I’m a tiny bit worried since courses are selling but there are no…

  • Making affiliate purchase show in Woocommerce reporting? URGENT HELP NEEDED

    Does anyone know how to link the affiliates purchase to Woocommerce reporting? We have the Affiliates Pro/Woocommerce integration pack already installed. For example, we have a product for sale at £10, The cost of the product is £1 and we are giving the affiliate 30% (£3). So, when somebody purchases the product via an affilates…
