admin notification

Hi guys/gals,
I have 3 questions for ya. Please help me out.

1.) Is there anyway for affiliates enterprise to notify the admin when an affiliate has a certain amount of sales in 1 month?
2.) or when an affiliate has X# of affiliates in their downline(more specifically, the next tier)
3.) also, is there a way to integrate affiliates with woocommerce membership, so when their membership ends, their specific commissions are no longer accepted and are pending instead?

Please advise

3 Responses to admin notification

  1. Jonathan July 29, 2015 at 3:09 pm #

    Yeah i am by no means a coder. All i know now is that it can be done, but i have no clue as to how i can do that.

    • antonio July 30, 2015 at 3:02 pm #

      Hi Jonathan,
      For modifications or customizations like that you should seek the help of a PHP developer. Please understand that support means help with issues that you experience, help with usage questions and to clarify doubts that you have with the plugins themselves. By no means does support include custom development which is what you are asking us to do. I hope you understand, we’re happy to help if you need guidance on your requirements.
      Antonio B.

  2. antonio July 29, 2015 at 10:49 am #

    Hi Jonathan,
    these features are not available by default, but you can use the Affiliates API to create your own solution.
    Some guides:
    1.- You can use the ‘affiliates_referral‘ action to check if the condition is true, and send the email to the admin.
    2.- Using the ‘affiliates_added_affiliate_relation‘ action to check the condition.
    2.- You can use the ‘affiliates_referral‘ action to change the referral’s status according to the membership.
    I hope this can help you as reference.
    Antonio B.

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