Affiliate landing pages with 2 fields .. logo and affiliate name (shortcodes)

I purchased Affiliate Pro. Our current landing pages reflect each affiliate and have the name and logo images from from each affiliate (shortcodes). We need each affiliate landing page to have 2 shortcodes. Current page says “(Affiliate) has teamed up with us. (their image) on top of page.”

Affiliate landing pages must have 2 fields .. logo and affiliate name (shortcodes) reflecting our relationship with affiliate. Can’t be a blind click with No explanation of affiliate relationship

Can we make a custom landing page easily for each affiliate using these 2 shortcodes??

One Response to Affiliate landing pages with 2 fields .. logo and affiliate name (shortcodes)

  1. George October 9, 2015 at 9:35 pm #

    Hi Kevin,

    You can use [affiliates_fields edit="no" name="user_login"] in order to render affiliate’s username but for the logo there is no shortcode because logos or other personal images for the affiliate are not stored in the system.
    However, you can upload images manually to use as logos for your affiliates and then on the affiliates landing page you can use the img tag alongside with affiliates id.
    First upload a logo named 2.jpeg for instance for affiliate with id=2.
    Then get the file url from Media>Library. Add a tag like the following in your affiliate’s landing page like

    Kind regards,

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