Suggestion? Select Affiliate during User Registration with Gravity Forms


I am using Gravity Forms for User Registration, assign to Group, create Affiliate.
I would like the person filling out the form to choose their Affiliate (upline).

I understand this is not currently developed and would require PHP & AJAX to ‘searchable’.
Due to the amount of affiliates this would likely run very slowly if I had this developed.
However, it is critical they are able to choose their affiliate prior to registration (or can change it themselves after)

I’ve used the Dynamic Population plugin you’ve developed to auto-fill the current referrer’s ID, but that is based on the assumption they used the affiliate’s link to get there.

Do you have any ideas how I can do this?
or what a possible good option would be to accomplish this?


One response to “Suggestion? Select Affiliate during User Registration with Gravity Forms”

  1. antonio Avatar

    Hi Bo,
    you could use the filter affiliates_record_referral.
    To check if the referral is generated by the Gravity Form Integration:
    If ( $referral_data["type"] == Affiliates_Gravity_Forms::REFERRAL_TYPE ) {

    Antonio B.
