Display referral information and form data on affiliate dashboard

Hi, I would need to show the data collected via form cf7 to the affiliate in the dashboard, I saw in the forum that you have already sent the solution to other users
can I have the solution too? Thank you


One response to “Display referral information and form data on affiliate dashboard”

  1. Eugen Bleck Avatar
    Eugen Bleck

    Hi Alessio,

    Good afternoon. I trust you are well and safe!

    Thank you so much for choosing and using our Affiliate system. It brings us great joy to hear from you and to know you are using Affiliate Enterprise.

    With regards to your inquiry, yes, it is possible to see the submitted form data in the backend, however, an affiliate only gets a reference of the form that was submitted. Please see the screenshot: https://ibb.co/BfH98Gy.

    Our Affiliates Contact Form 7 add-on helps collect form data & track submissions.

    In order to view the data attached to a referral on the backend, please do the following:
    * Navigate to Affiliates > Referrals
    * In the Filters section, please ensure the Expand details options is checked
    * Click Apply

    You can read more on the Affiliates Contact Form 7 addon here.

    I remain available to help if you have any further inquiries.

    STAY SAFE and I wish you a very fine and productive day ahead!
