Forum: Groups Import Export

  • Nickname imports only on update

    I am using custom column headers to import my users. If I use the column header “meta:nickname”, I can get the Nickname to save, but only on a second pass of importing the users and checking the “Update existing users.” checkbox. So I import once to create the new users, and the Nickname is showing…

  • how to install import export extension?

    I already installed the updates and entered the key but I cannot find the option to export the groups. I’m on Groups version 2.11.1

  • Field Declaration Error on Import

    I’m getting Error on line 1, @user_email is not a valid email address when trying to import a tsv file, field declaration is simple as just trying bulk assign users to a group @user_email groups

  • Did not get my license key for activation

    need the license key to activate. did not get by email. site is; is primary listed. can be used as well (my direct). Please let me know. Scott

  • tsv file cannot load into excel in format required…

    this export plugin will not allow me to export users in the format I need… This TSV data is jumbled into a txt file and will not seperate… Please advise.

  • Do I need to update the plugin?

    I have purchased the highest version, but I don’t know if I have to update the plugin or how to act in order to install the plugin in other installations. I am looking forward to your response. Thank you very much!!

  • How can i update my plan?

    How can I update my license to go from one site to several sites? Thank you

  • Users are not updated

    Hi I have problems assigning groups to users when I use Groups Import Export. When I update groups, it works, but when I checked the users, the groups are not assigned. I use BuddyPress in my site so I guessed it must be an incompatibility with groups and I deactivated. When active, I got errors…

  • Import access for Shop Manager

    Hello, I would like to give the User import access to WooCommerce Shop Manager role, but it doesn’t look like there is a plugin setting for it. Is there any code snippet that I can use to do so? Please let me know. Thank you very much.

  • Save a custom export format

    Hello, Every time I want to export users I have to choose which columns to include in the export csv, which is a bit of work and it’s easy to create errors. Is there any way I can save a export format and use that format every time I want to export users? Please let…

  • Error on Import & Documention

    Hi there I would like to request a refund. I have tried multiple methods of import mentioned in your documentation. None of them are working. 1. says to save as CSV then says to save as text file with tab separation. Neither of these work 2. mentions a Help tab which does…

  • How to install/use API

    Groups import export provides two filters: groups_import_export_new_user_registration_subject groups_import_export_new_user_registration_message how do you install or access those filters? thks

  • Group Expiration

    We set the expiration date at 1 year when adding users to groups. Is there a way to set this when using the import plugin?

  • How do I install it?

    I cannot seem to be able to install my download unto WordPress
