Forum: Groups Restrict Categories

  • Groups Restrict Categories breaks Yoast

    After going in and “one by one” disabling all plugins individually and re-testing, we have found this plugin is breaking the Yoast edit area. The primary errors are in web dev tools are as such: Uncaught TypeError:…) is null Are you aware of this error and can provide a fix? We are using Version…

  • Restrict Categories is conflict with Rank Math Pro

    I have reached out to Rank Math Pro with an issue their admin accordion fail to open, they pointed to a plugin conflict, I have since been enabling and disabling plugins only to find the latest version of Group Restrict Categories is the culprit. When this plugin is enabled I’m getting the following console errors:…

  • Change Log

    Where can I find the change log for this plugin?

  • Can’t get rid of update plugin notice

    This cannot be dismissed!

  • Support for multiple categories or – again

    Hi, I would like to add my support to existing requests for support of Multiple Categories – via OR logic rather than AND logic as it is at present. (,, – and others). I note that you have agreed this should become a feature – is there any progress/date yet, please? I…

  • 404 Redirect don’t work on categories

    Hi, I installed the Groups 404 Redirect next to the Groups Redirect Categories and it isn’t redirecting to the new page I setup once I enter a blocked category, it still shows the original 404 message. On the other side this does works on the posts. I already checked the “Redirect restricted categories, tags and…

  • Plugin not working

    I just purchased and installed this plugin – I thought it would be easy and straightforward, but it just doesn’t work. I have set a group read-only on a category and attached the category to a post. Then even users part of the group cannot view the post. I confirm the group, category, and restriction…

  • Error when accessing Category

    Hi, i just installed the restrict categories y assigned a group to the category but when i enter a restricted category even if i have access or not i get this: [unknown column ‘cpt_onomy_tt1.term_taxonomy_id’ in ‘where clause’] select sql_calc_found_rows from wp_qn0n08wvbq_posts where 1=1 and wp_qn0n08wvbq_posts.post_type = ‘post’ and (wp_qn0n08wvbq_posts.post_status = ‘publish’ or wp_qn0n08wvbq_posts.post_status =…

  • How to bypass restriction

    Hi, I booth the restrictions categories and works perfectly. But due to some requirements I need to bypass this logic in some scenarios (incoming ip, code in the url o stuff like that). Is there any method that allows me to bypass the restrictions? That way I could validate this rare scenarios and if positive…

  • The Events Calendar – Shows Events that it should not

    Hi there, I hope you can help. I have used Restrict Categories on this but it happens on the standard Groups plugin too. I have two groups – Lead and Partner – Lead can see Partner events, Partner cannot see Lead Events. If I log in as Lead and go to the main events calendar…

  • You cannot set any access restrictions.

    I am an admin on my own site and have taken myself out of all groups, yet I am not allows to change groups in the categories edit screen now? What happened?

  • Multiple categories

    Hello, I have the same problem as mentioned by other subscribers of your plugin: we have posts assigned to variouos categories. Assigning groups to the categories makes disappear posts for groups due to AND logic. You mentioned in your forum message, that you will implement OR logic as well. Can you tell me something about…

  • Woocommerce: issues with multiple categories/groups

    Hello, My client is facing an issue with this plugin and their online store. They have certain products that are assigned to specific product categories which have the same corresponding group assigned, i.e a product category called ‘Pants’ has a group ‘Pants’ assigned to it. Users are then assigned to the ‘Pants’ group so they…

  • restrictions not applied to unlogged

    Hello, I have a shop with many products, i did a restriction for 2 logged groups based on 2 tags : group 1 see both tags group 2 see only tag 1 But when i do that, unlogged users because they don’t own to the first and 2nd group don’t see anything. How can i…
