how to assign the same rate to multiple affiliates

Is it possible to assign the same rate to multiple affiliates at the same time. E.g. we grant a 10% rate on a certain product and would like to simply group affiliates such that they all get the same rate. Currently it looks like we have to add and assign a rate per affiliate, and that is very annoying if you have 100’s of affiliates.


12 responses to “how to assign the same rate to multiple affiliates”

  1. Thanks, we’ll check this out.

  2. Hi Kento,
    my use case is this:

    We want to give our affiliates the possibility to see a list of customers which were referred by them to us. For that we manually create a Group for each affiliate. As the next step we would like the customers to automatically be assigned as members of the same Group (either by referral, or when an Affiliate manually adds the customer in their affiliate_area), which allows us to easily filter these customers and display them in affiliate-area using something like [groups_group_info group="theCurrentlyLoggedInAffiliate" show="users"]. That requires us to extract the name or ID of the currently logged in affiliate, both for the join operation and for the group_info operation and that is where we are currently stuck.


    1. Thanks for detailing this, Rudy.

      For the part where you want to assign a customer to a group automatically, this might probably work using the user_register action hook used late. As for letting affiliate add a customer, it would require a form built that would allow the affiliate to do so. For the shortcode attribute, you might want to derive your own version of the shortcode for easier customization, but to obtain the affiliate ID is easy – you can use the affiliates_user_is_affiliate() function to check if the current user is an affiliate, then use $affiliate_id = array_shift( affiliates_get_user_affiliate( get_current_user_id() ) ); to obtain the related affiliate’s ID.

      I hope that these pointers help you a bit in getting further.


  3. Hi Kento,
    Thanks for your detailed answer. I understand now that what I wanted to do is not possible with just shortcodes. I just wanted to explore what is possible without having to resort to writing specific code.

    I am wondering: are we the only ones who want to automatically assign a visitor to a referrer group based on the referral ID? This seems to me to be a function that might be needed as a standard in the Groups.

    Anyway, thanks again!

    1. Hi Rudy,

      Yes I can see this might be useful, even to classify new users based on the group of referrers who brought them in. I think it can get quite complex in terms oh how one would map the different groups of referrers but I’m certainly taking note to investigate features around your suggestions further. I’m note quite sure about the particular use case you are trying to address though, so please feel free to provide any insight on that.


  4. Hi Hendra,

    I do not understand what you mean by “make link to new page / existing page with [group_join] shortcode inside the page to allow user join into the specific page, then a user will join the Group”. How does linking to a new page containing [group_join] help with the affiliate link? Can you be more specific?

    Secondly, extracting the name of group with [groups_user_groups] only works on its own and you have to carefully exclude unwanted groups from the result. But it returns a formatted list and not a string. In other words, I tried and found out that I cannot use nested inside another shortcode, something like [groups_join group=”[groups_user_groups]“]. What I want to achieve is to have a new user added the group of my affiliate while the affiliate enters the user on a page where the affiliate is logged in. In other words, extract the current user’s group name or ID and insert it in the [group_join] automatically. Any idea for that?


    1. Hi Rudy,

      I’ve just reviewed your conversation here as Hendra pointed out this possible enhancement.

      If I understand you correctly, the initial question was to assign commission rates to groups of affiliates, for which you now seem to be using the Groups plugin satisfactorily.

      Now regarding the second part:

      Is it also possible to automatically assign endusers into a group? E.G. we created the group AffiliateGroupB with 10 affiliates. Then we create a group called “AffiliateGroupB-1stAffiliate”, etc. and if the AffiliateGroupB-1stAffiliate refers a new endser/customer, can that enduser be automatically assigned to AffiliateGroupB-1stAffiliate when they act on the referral link and open a new account?

      To make this an automated process, you would need to build customized code that could relate the referred visitor to the affiliate, obtain the affiliate’s group and then assign the new account to the desired group. This is rather specific and not covered by the tools out-of-the-box. I think that this can get rather complex if you have several groups and would need a mapping and cover several use cases. Customizations like that are not really part of what we can provide within support so for these cases I usually recommend to use your in-house developer or hire a developer who can implement it for you – based on what you suggest here:

      … In other words, I tried and found out that I cannot use nested inside another shortcode, something like [groups_join group=”[groups_user_groups]“]. What I want to achieve is to have a new user added the group of my affiliate while the affiliate enters the user on a page where the affiliate is logged in. In other words, extract the current user’s group name or ID and insert it in the [group_join] automatically. Any idea for that?

      I don’t see a direct solution that would actually work based on shortcodes alone without any custom coding. Basically because you’re trying to pass the result of a shortcode as the attribute of another shortcode and WordPress’ shortcode system simply can’t handle that. Also note that this is different from nested shortcodes. So this isn’t even a limitation or restriction of the shortcodes built into Groups but of WordPress itself.

      We have several resources that will be helpful for you to implement this using the APIs:

      – Here are several examples related to Groups Examples – the very first example shows how you can assign a user easily to a group.
      – The following little plugin can help in combination with the above: – just that instead of letting it assign to a role, you can adapt it to assign the user to a group.
      – The implementation of the shortcode affiliates_is_referred can help in implementing the right action(s) needed when the system detects a referred visitor.

      Of course this is not a direct solution to what you are trying to achieve, but I hope that it helps you to take a decision on whether you would like to invest the time and development effort to implement it.

      Just in case that your idea goes in the direction of implementing a multi-tier affiliate program, then I would highly recommend to have a look at our Affiliates Enterprise instead – it supports multiple tiers also based on groups. I’m not trying to upsell this and it won’t make the assignments automatically either, but if what you have in mind is anything close to a multi-tier program, then that might be your solution.


  5. Hi Hendra,

    thanks. Just to be sure, on 1) you will find out if it is possible to attach user to a group automatically when the users click on an affiliate link belonging to that group?

    I have another question: how can I extract the group name or ID for the group that I am currently logged in to? I’d like to show the Info
    using [groups_group_info] to the currently logged in user, but in all shortcodes it looks like you have to enter the attribute group=”name” manually on the page?


    1. Hendra Trisnayadi Avatar
      Hendra Trisnayadi

      What you can do for now is make link to new page / existing page with the [groups_join] shortcode inside the page to allow user join into the specific page, then a user will join the Group. for feature attach into a group automatically by an affiliate link, we will check if that feature can add to next release.
      To extract the name of group you can use a shortcode [groups_user_groups], this will automatically show the name of a group on page/post. thank you

      Kind Regards,

  6. Hi Hendra,

    Thanks! A few followup questions:

    1) we would like to use Groups both for grouping affiliates so that they can enjoy the same rates within the group and to group endusers by affiliate. So it is possible to assign existing rates to a group (e.g. AffiliateGroupB) and then assign each new affiliate we want to AffiliateGroupB?

    2) Is it also possible to automatically assign endusers into a group? E.G. we created the group AffiliateGroupB with 10 affiliates. Then we create a group called “AffiliateGroupB-1stAffiliate”, etc. and if the AffiliateGroupB-1stAffiliate refers a new endser/customer, can that enduser be automatically assigned to AffiliateGroupB-1stAffiliate when they act on the referral link and open a new account? We would be using the Premanent plugi to keep the same user contributing to the referring affiliate on each new order.

    Please let me know if that would work.


    1. Hendra Trisnayadi Avatar
      Hendra Trisnayadi

      Hi Rudek,

      This is the answer to your question,
      1) For this, you just can choose one group in rate affiliate setting, so if you make a new group, you need to make a new affiliate rate for that Group. But we will take a look for a feature you asked and check if can be added in the new future release.

      2) Yes, you can do that, you can allow the end-user to register/join to the specific group with use Groups shortcode [groups_join group="X"], X is your group id or your group name. Read more details about Groups shortcode documentation here :

      Thank you,

      Kind regards,

  7. Hendra Trisnayadi Avatar
    Hendra Trisnayadi

    Hi Rudek,

    Yes, it’s possible to set the affiliate with many people in same time, we have another plugin handle that task, It’s called Groups. Please download, install and set active our plugin, here :

    after that, you can create new Group with many people/users in there and then you can set the affiliate rate for groups in your setting “Affiliates > Rates”, Done.
    If you have another question, just let me know

