How To integrate order-data into link

Please check my first asking:

Affiliates Products

This topic is about this issue. Can you give me a hand how to do this? I’m using WooCommerce.

I should add this codeline into the thank-you-page but I have to update the date with order-number and order-€-value. SUB_ID = order-number
AMOUNT = €-amount of order

How can I use Affiliate Pro to get this data into this link?
And next issue – this pixel should only be generated for affiliate-orders and not for every order. So I’m not sure if this line should be added in the thank-you page of WooCommerce.


One response to “How To integrate order-data into link”

  1. If I understand you correctly, the main thing you want to achieve is what you stated in the comment:

    “So the partner knows which click is producing an order and same for me too.”

    For that you would need to recognize the additional parameters when the request is handled and store a reference to them. There is the affiliates_parse_request_affiliate_id filter (see the Filters section in the documentation and the function in the API documentation).

    When a referral is recorded the affiliates_referral action is invoked where you would then retrieve the additional information and relate it to the referral by ID.
