Is there a way to see referrer URL

Im using Affiliates Enterprise for a about a year and now need to know where exactly all visitors / referrals come from (basically the URL)

I can’t find that option is in the plugin neither additional plugin or forum topic that explain the solution to get that data along with a Visits & Referrals report…

Could somebody help me on that issue ? How to know where the visitors that clicked on certain affiliate URL-ID came from ?


4 responses to “Is there a way to see referrer URL”

  1. ok thanks, i would try that

  2. It needs some customizing, perhaps something like this


  3. im using Google Analytics but it won’t give me a clue which URL belongs to witch affiliate account and i need exactly that..

    It sad that this plugin don’t have that feature available cause i know it is possible and some other affiliate solutions do have this… Im actually get to that problem cause one of my major affiliate what to see that in their stats

  4. Hi Valentin,

    Sorry this is not availiable from Affiliates plugin, but you can always use Google Analytics to track specific inbound links to your site.

    Kind regards,
