Notification for file downloads

I am testing the Notification for file downloads. This is not exactly what I want, but would allow me to understand how many of our users are downloading files.

However when I enter break html tags in the “Notification email message” (body) they are removed when I save the configuration. Is this working for anyone?



4 responses to “Notification for file downloads”

  1. Hi Dwight,

    FYI we’ve just released version 2.2.0 of the extension where this is fixed. This also includes an added feature you might find useful for your case, an export function that provides the download stats per file and user. You will find that under Groups > File Import > Export Files > Export File Access Table (visible as a link in that section).


    1. Dwight Holman Avatar
      Dwight Holman

      Hi Kento,

      thanks for the very quick reply. Will update and let you know if we have any problems.

      This sounds like it would answer our question even better than using email notifications. Now we have two options to try.


      1. Great, yeah I thought it would be quite useful, so I’m glad we now have this in there. Better than having to sift through the notifications 😉


  2. Hi,

    Thanks for pointing out the issue! It seems that in a recent update a too eager check was applied when saving the contents of the notification and how all HTML tags are stripped away. We’ll fix it and issue an update.

