Groups File Access

Downloads are 0kb

Some, not all, files are coming down as 0kb. this particular file is an exe over 100 mb. other exe files around 60mb download without issue. i’ve tried re-uploading the file and completely deleting it from files and re-adding it.

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Grant public access to file

Hello, I would like to enable public access to individual protected files in “Groups File Access”. I have not found anything about this in the documentation. Can you explain a solution for this? Best Regards Jochen

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Groups Files Filter & Group Name

Hello, the wonderful GROUPS author: We are getting ready to launch our Home HOA site using the excellent Groups plugins. There are a couple of things we are trying to accomplish and need some pointers from your team. 1. Group Directory – Group Name We created a page using Profile Builder plugin (userlisting function) called […]

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Can’t see files as admin

Hi, We’re using the Groups Plugin to restrict the access to products. Additionally we have a section with downloads where the access is restrictedy by “Groups File Access”. Now we have the problem, that we’re administrator and we can see all products (even the restricted ones) but can’t see any files without being in the […]

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Files giving ‘page not found’ error

Just recently, the multisite that I use Groups and Groups File Access on now gives this error for all files on the sites: This ….com page can’t be found. No webpage was found for the web address: https://….com/?gfid=# We have quite a number of customers complaining that they can no longer get their files. I […]

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Issue with files not showing up

We’ve been testing out Groups and Groups File Access for a while now, with some success. Recently, we updated our website and php settings, and now, while Groups still works, Groups File Access no longer is showing embedded video or allowing users to download our uploaded files. It worked previously. We saw that the Groups […]

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Path too Deep

Hello, Our hosting provider recently updated our package, which broke all the Groups File Access links. Old Path: /home4/{username}/public_html/wp-content/uploads/groups-file-access/{filename} New Path: /home3/{username}/public_html/wp-content/uploads/groups-file-access/{filename} Is there a reason you are going so deep in the file paths? Why not make the part up to public_html relative?

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Issue with ios download of mp3 files

Hi. I am running into an issue with the Groups File Access plugin downloading mp3 files to iOS devices and Safari running on the MacOS. The test is pretty straight and easy to recreate with these following steps. * take 20 sizable MP3 files, put them in both Media and Groups File Access * create […]

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