Woocommerce product category doesn’t hide

Hello. I created a Woocommerce product category to be seen only to registered users, but not logged in visitors can see it in the menu (not the products inside it)

– I added a capacity to Registered group
– I added that capacity in Groups > Options > Capacities
– I created a new Woocommerce product category with the capacity selected in “Access restriction” box
– I added the product category to my menu

What should I do to get the product category hidden?

Thank you in advance for your help

5 Responses to Woocommerce product category doesn’t hide

  1. Fran April 23, 2015 at 1:40 pm #

    Hi George. Thank you for your answer. All is clear to me now.

    Obviously I have misunderstood the plugin function.

    Could I request a refund?

    • kento April 24, 2015 at 12:32 pm #

      Hi Fran,

      Sure, no problem, it’s just been processed 🙂


  2. George April 23, 2015 at 9:37 am #

    Hi Fran,

    Yes i am from itthinx staff.

    If you have noticed in the video, these are categories in the sidebar widget, that are hidded. In the video, the WordPress site doesn’t have a navigation menu. Try putting the product category you want to restrict in the sidebar by using the respective widget and see the results.

    It depends on what you want to do.
    If you have a category with a big amount of products, then it’s easier with Restrict Categories plugin.
    If you prefer to set capabilities for each of these products by hand, then you can live without Restrict Categories plugin.
    The plugin i suggested or something similar you found yourself, simply hides the menu element from the navigation menu. There are other similar plugins that show or hide navigation menu elements based on capabilities that are set by access control type plugins(like Groups). These plugins handle a very specific thing on your site, they can’t handle access restrictions.

    Hope i made things clear for you now because my previous comment was rather confusing.

    Kind regards,

  3. George April 22, 2015 at 6:34 pm #

    Hi Fran,

    You should use another plugin to modify the nav menu like Nav Menu Roles where you can show this item to logged in users only, or you can use something similar.

    Kind regards,

    • Fran April 22, 2015 at 10:46 pm #

      Hi George. Thank you for your answer. Are you from itthinx staff?

      I can see in the plugin video how categories are hidden, and in the text it says referring to Woocommerce that it “restrict access to products by Product Categories”.

      I can’t believe I have purchased a plugin to get the same result I already had with the free Groups plugin. With Groups I already can hidden products, I have purchase the plugin to hide categories.

      Please, help me.

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