Tag: duplicate

  • Prevent duplicate referrals in Affiliates Pro

    If I untick the option to allow duplicates, would that prevent situations where a duplicate is created when: 1. a customer goes through the cart and checkout onto payment, 2. chooses a method of payment 3. on the payment page/popup they are informed of lets say low funds 4. they go back to the checkout…

  • Duplicate/Double up of Affiliate Referrals

    I have un-tick the allow duplicate referral in setting but I still got receiving duplicate referrals for orders for the same order number (i.e. someone purchases via an affiliate link and we are receiving 2 x accepted affiliate referrals for the same order in our Affiliates Pro > Referrals). I’m currently using: WooCommerce 3.8 Affiliate…

  • Duplicate referral recorded for an order

    I noticed sometimes referral was recorded multiple times for a single order as per image below. How to fix this?
