Tag: referrals

  • Help! divi/pro/woocommerce but i can’t get referrals to show

    I’m using Pro with WooCommerce but no matter what I try, I can’t get any referrals to show up. I want to pay 10% on all Woocommerce purchases but I’ve been working on this for 6 days for hours at a time and must be doing something wrong. I need help or I’ll have to…

  • Amount empty after Referral

    Hello itthinx -Team! We’ve been using Affiliate Pro as our affiliate platform however whenever someone refers us even though the rates are all properly set up, the amount just stays empty. So it basically displays a referral but no earnings, and the csv for Paypal also has no fees in it. You can see how…

  • Referrals are at 0,00 ?

    Dear Support Team! We have been using Affiliates Enterprise for some time now. During the last billing we realized that the referrals are at 0.00 although purchases were made via the affiliate links. I have to say that in September due to a server problem, the domain was switched to www. My guess is that…

  • Automatic assignment to a group

    Hi itthinx team, I have a question regarding the Groups plugin that I use. Working with the Affiliates PRO and Groups plugins, I would like to achieve the following: – A new customer visits my store from an affiliate partner URL – The customer completes their order – The customer is automatically assigned to the…

  • Affiliates pro user registration and woocommerce integration problem

    Hi itthinx team! I’m approaching you with a very specific case that I have. (And I appologise for the long post in advance!) I’m currently developing a custom solution for my business where I need to allow Affiliate partners to register customers. To achieve this I developed a form, which will appear in their Affiliate…

  • Affiliates manually adding referrals?

    Hi, for some reason I thought that if an affiliate was logged in and completed the referral form it would be credited to them, but when I test this all of the referrals are being credited to Direct. Is there a way for affiliates to manually submit referrals, without having to click on their own…

  • Display Referrals in Affiliate Area

    Hi, I would like to be able to display all of the referrals that an affiliate has generated in their Affiliate Area. So when an affiliate logs in to the AA, they can see all of the names and statuses of their referrals. Basically the same way I can see this info on the backend.…

  • How to view CF7 submission data from Affiliates Pro?

    I use Affiliates Pro with Contact Form 7 integration. Everything is looking good. I can see a list of referrals in Affilates > Referrals. I can see Date, Amount, Currency and Status. But the Post field is blank. Does the Post should show me the data submission? e.g. Name, E-mail, etc. of CF7 field? Could…

  • Tier Referrals

    Trying to get a quick grasp on how to link my tiers together, to make sure that it’s all set up correctly. I’ve only got 1 additional tier in place currently, and what I’m trying to understand is how that tier is linked to a referring affiliate.

  • Test sale not recorded as a referral

    While in the past I have had sales recorded in my Affiliates dashboard, something has now gone wrong. I am gearing up for a campaign with an important new affiliate and so created two Test affiliates to check all was working but both have only recorded the hits without registering the sales made! Can you…

  • I want to keep my database light and clean!

    Hi, When I go to Affiliates->Visits & Referrals page and check “Expand hits” and “Expand referrals”, then I see that lots of information comes up that the Affiliates Pro plugin have saved in database about each referral!! I don’t need these detail information! These information are making my database heavy and that’s definitely not what…

  • Wrong Post page on stats-referrals

    Hi, I am using Affiliates Pro along with a subscription plugin, and I would like to change the url showing on the “Post” using this shortcode , because it is currently showing a admin page of the subscription post… Is it possible to change or remove this field? Thank you

  • Export referral data?

    Hi, Is it possible to export the referral data from affiliates when using Affiliate Pro for Contact form 7? I don’t need the counts of referrals I need the contact info submitted.

  • Referrals Not Being Recorded

    I’m having some issues getting referrals for WooCommerce working. I’ve been through the documentation, and double checked all of the necessary settings – everything matches. Yet, referrals are only recorded half of the time. This is the issue we’re having: http://screencast.com/t/DVCYJWp2rBx In my testing, I’ve come up with two scenarios that result in referrals being…
