
Group plugin 2.7.1 conflict with Beaver Builder

Hi, I am using group 2.7.1 and it is causing issue when I am using Beaver Builder editor on the page see the error message: Beaver Builder caught the following JavaScript error. If Beaver Builder is not functioning as expected the cause is most likely this error. Please help us by disabling all plugins and […]

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Assign group based on email

Hi folks, I’m trying to get groups to assign a group based on an email address. Is this possible? My website has different products for different clients and it would be great if people registering an account from business ‘x’ or business ‘y’ would automatically be assigned to a group.

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End of licence key and new post hide

Hi, I use since one year the plugin Groups and Groups Restrict Categories. Now my licence for update is finish (after one year), but is it normal that if I creat a new post, my new post become invisble in backend and frontend ? (I can see the post in the database) When I deasable […]

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Conflict with WooCommerce CRON Export Jobs

Hi, I am using WP All Export jobs triggered by CRON for scheduled data exports from my WooCommerce websites. When the export jobs are triggered manually, everything works as expected and there are no issues. However, when the job is triggered by CRON only variable products are exported and simple products are not picked up […]

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Adding conditions to a content block

I have the wordpress shortcode for a button working correctly as a content block using the Groups plugin. Unfortunately, I cannot figure out how to add a conditional statement to limit the visibility to a specific group. The code I am using is: Unfortunately, the widget content, in this case a button, shows for all […]

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Restricting a page to non-members (visitors who aren’t logged in) only

Hello there- We have several pages related to registration, activation, etc. that we would like to make inaccessible to group members who are already logged in (i.e. They should be redirected to our “Restricted Access” or “Client Portal” pages). At present, we can restrict these pages by Group (works great, BTW!), but can’t seem to […]

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Groups Newsletter, Story-View ends in 404

Hi there I habe a problem with the stories view in the groups newsletter extension. My Story is published and ready for delivery. Preview in the Newsletter is good, but the site-view wont work. every times I triy to access I get a 404 See example below: This is a published and valid story, but […]

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