Existing WP users cannot register as affiliates using the same email address

Imagine this scenario:
User creates an account via WooCommerce during checkout and it’s added to wp_users table as normal. Then decides to register as a customer and cannot use the same email address as it’s already taken because affiliate users are also stored in the same wp_users table. I cannot find the way to enable the affiliate account for existing WooCommerce accounts either.

Any ways around that? It iss quite a big issue for customers with a single email address that cannot be both clients and referrals.


3 responses to “Existing WP users cannot register as affiliates using the same email address”

  1. Thanks Antonio for your speedy response,

    Currently when logged in – this is not that much of the issue – the email is pre-populated and filling the rest of the fields can be edited and I can get to the account page. But if I’m not logged in and trying to do exactly the same I’m rejected with this error message:

    ERROR: This email is already registered, please choose another one.

    What’s the route for non-logged in users that are not yet affiliates to join the programme? Do they need to be logged in beforehand?

    1. Hi,
      – If you are not an user, you can register as affiliate, and a new user is created and joined as affiliate.
      – If you are logged but you aren’t an affiliate, you will be joined to the affiliate program.
      – If you are an user, but you aren’t logged (it’s your scenario). If you want to join to the affiliate program using the same email, you need to be logged as user and join to the program.
      Kind Regards,
      Antonio B.

  2. Hi Radek,
    if the user being logged visit the affiliate-area page, he could be join as affiliate (he doesn’t need to create a new account, only need to join to the affiliate program).
    If you visit the affiliate-area page as guest and as logged user, you could see the difference.
    Kind Regards,
    Antonio B.
