Integration with Ruby on Rail

How can I connect my Ruby on Rails application with Woocommerce, is there option to copy all users that bought subscription to Rails application each time new user signs up?

Does woocommerce provides manuals on user migrations between two different

systems -> wordpress with woocommerce and ruby on rails?

Also is it possible to transfer passwords from one application to another?

I tried to authenticate request with oauth 1 but there was tokens that I couldn’t find on woocommerce documentation. Could you please give me some directions how could I menage users from wordpress/woocommerce to ruby on rails. It should peform always, it is not one time migration from wordpress to rails.

One Response to Integration with Ruby on Rail

  1. antonio January 27, 2018 at 6:21 pm #

    Hi Bruno,
    I honestly do not know how to connect wordpress with Ruby on Rails. Maybe it’s a question that you should ask directly to the Woocommerce team. In any case, I leave the topic open, in case someone in the community knows something.
    Kind Regards,
    Antonio B.

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