Refund Request

I recently ordered to test out some of the paid for features and didn’t find what I was looking for. The usability of the plugin is a little tough (i.e. after setup it would still be tough for my affiliate manager to use) and it didn’t have one of the rate settings I required.

I need to be able to make rates for multiple products at once (there may be a workaround with categories here). But I also need to be able to make rates for multiple affiliates at once. Either with some sort of affiliate category or affiliate tag, this doesn’t seem possible with the plugin and so I would like a refund.



One response to “Refund Request”

  1. Hi Francis,

    Welcome to our support forum for Affiliates plugin, sorry to hear that you decided to ask for a refund.

    In general once you install Affiliates WooCommerce integration and create your rates, then your affiliates system is ready to track referrals and grant commissions to the respective affiliates. Any further actions needed by your administrator would be required for special cases that need fine tuning of the system.

    Regarding rates, as you already have realised, you can create multiple rates for your products, by setting one rate for their parent category. Such a rate would consist of the rate amount, type and the product category which it applies to. Once the WooCommerce is selected in the Integration select field, you can then select the appropriate category to use for that rate.

    As for multiple rates for affiliates, you can use the free Groups addon, organise your affiliates-users into groups by the desired rate with Bulk actions and then create a rate for each one of these groups. Each of these rates should have an amount, type and the Group which it applies to.

    For example, once the Groups plugin is installed and activated, you can create group(s) via Groups > Groups and then go to Users > All users to organise your users into these groups. Then go to Affiliates > Rates and create a new rate for this specific group. The previously created groups will be found under the Groups select field.

    The setup is pretty straight forward and we can further help you with the necessary actions needed. Should you choose though to proceed with the refund request, then follow-up with a comment on this thread and we will process it.

    Kind regards,
