restrict a group_admin to certain categories

Is it possible to restrict the edition and creation of article of certain cartegory to a certain group of admin ?

I see how to restrict categories to users, but I’d like do to the same with administrators.

3 Responses to restrict a group_admin to certain categories

  1. christophe February 16, 2016 at 7:36 am #

    I’ve to different things.

    I have groups for front user, this works well. People who does not belong to the group can’t read protected articles or pages.

    But I would like to have groups for the backend, in order to have one administrator by category for exemple.
    I would like to restric creation / modification / edition by groups and by category, so Admin A can edit and create stuff in category 1, but have no rights on others categories.

    • Kento February 18, 2016 at 4:15 pm #


      I’ve responded to this earlier here but it seems to have gone unnoticed 🙂 :

      You can protect the category – if the user who is publishing the post doesn’t belong to a group that has access to the category, then it won’t be available to that user. Does that work for what you have in mind?


  2. George February 15, 2016 at 9:19 pm #

    Hi Christophe,

    Please correct me if i’m wrong.
    Only this group of users having administrator role, will be capable of adding and editing posts in a specific category and the rest of the users-groups will only be capable of reading these articles?

    Kind regards,

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