Tag: discount

  • Commission Recalculation & Woocommerce Discount

    Dear Itthinx-Team, my next issue (hopefully the last one :-)): I offer a standard discount for special products. Now I recognized, that the affiliate enterprise system doesn’t take this discount into consideration, when calculating the affiliate commission. It calculates the commission on the full-price basis. How can I make the system recognize this Woocommerce discount…

  • Coupon Connected to Affiliate at Sale & Discount Applied Correctly According to Applied Affiliate connected Coupon

    Hi there, We have purchased the Affiliate Pro plugin and have installed the same and also created some affiliate users. We have also created coupon through WooCommerce and then assigned that coupon to each unique affiliate user. Further, we have placed the order form front-end and have used the coupon on the cart page and…

  • Still working with Apples Intelligent Tracking Prevention

    Got a lot of content about the new cookie-blockings of Apple in Safari. And more browers will follow. How is itthinx is reacting to get the affiliates pro still working? Are there any updates or is the problem still solved? Found this: https://support.qualityunit.com/969743-Apples-Intelligent-Tracking-Prevention-20-and-Post-Affiliate-Pro

  • Renew Plug-ins

    Hi, I can see that my plug-ins need to be renewed – you do not have an automatic notification that renewals are needed!!! Virtually all plug-in providers notify users when renewals are due (I stopped using Aelia plug-ins because they also do not have automatic renewal notifications). How do I re-new at this stage as…

  • Direct discount in cart

    Hi, This might be a dumb question but i was unable to find an answer yet. I purchased your plugin and installed it in a wordpress website with woo commerce.I was wondering if it was possible to apply the “Commissions pending payment” directly in the total of the cart ? For example, when a user…
