
The unsettling Truth about the Global Unset

In PHP, there is a pitfall when using unset on a global variable within the scope of a function or method. When referred to using the global keyword within a function, unset will not destroy the global variable within the global scope. global $banana; $banana = ‘yellow’; function monkey() { global $banana; unset( $banana ); […]

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Free Lunch Optimizations

Free Lunch Optimizations

Looking at a recent support request which involves issues with an “optimization” plugin, it reminds me of why we assertively recommend to avoid using any generic optimization plugins … like the plague! From lots of years of experience in providing support for our tools, there are countless cases of issues caused by “optimization plugins”. Experience […]

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The Power of Newsletters

Newsletters are a popular way of reaching your audience. You can add this powerful communication tool to your WordPress site with the Groups Newsletters extension. A newsletter allows you to write meaningful content and provide it to your audience in an easy and automated way. Write one or more stories, combine them into a newsletter […]

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WordPress - Publish your passion magenta madness

Feedback we love and good Ideas

While attending several requests related to our plugins on WordPress, I was delighted to see new awesome feedback and rating on our Groups plugin and the support we provide for it: Excellent support – I have to say, these things provide a huge motivation to me and everyone involved in making the Groups ecosystem better […]

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Tracking User Actions with Affiliates

One of the most common requests we get on our support forums is: How to track user actions and compensate affiliates? or other variations that basically ask the same thing: How to integrate Affiliates with the xyz plugin? With the free version of Affiliates plugin this is pretty easy using an API function provided exactly […]

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Monkey covers his mouth

Silence is Golden, Debugging is Silver

How to adjust PHP error reporting for WordPress Debugging It’s important to be aware of any issues in your code when you develop for WordPress. But sometimes, too much information is just … too much. Here is an efficient way of choosing which notices are important to you and which are not. When you develop […]

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Growth Marketing

Track Visits and Grant Commissions with Affiliates

Affiliates plugin can track visits to your site and grant commissions when an action is completed. This whole process of tracking visits and granting commissions depends mainly on the affiliate cookie which: Notifies the system that a new visitor has been referredIdentifies the referring affiliate for that visit This cookie is stored automatically in the […]

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WordPress - Publish your passion in blue

WordPress Support Session

There are several different setups and even more different use cases out there. This in turn makes it quite normal to read customers’ requests for new features on our plugins. One of them that I stumbled upon today, has to do with some extra content that needs to be rendered by the groups_user_groups shortcode of […]

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A splash of Decent Comments ;)

Decent Comments revamped

After a couple of years in development hibernation, I’ve tackled the task of reviewing the Decent Comments plugin and prepare a new release. It actually took two releases in a row, 1.11.0 yesterday and then 1.12.0 today, the latter of which fixes fatal errors caused by changes introduced in the former. Thanks to a user […]

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Screenshot 2022-10-26 at 14-23-12 WordPress Developer Resources Official WordPress Developer Resources

WordPress Core Functions

WordPress has an extended API which is documented in Developer Resources. This comes extremely handy when you are developing your new custom addon. Even though it is absolutely correct to use pure PHP for your implementation, there are several core functions you can use and save time. For example if you wish to load your […]

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A reddish interpretation of the WordPress Support section

WordPress Support Session

During my session, I responded to a user’s request in which he mentioned observing wrong redirects as soon as his users logged out of groups to which they belonged. More precisely, he mentioned observing permanent redirects (301) and temporal redirects (302). Although this behavior isn’t common in Groups, considering Groups typically only yields 404s and […]

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