Affiliates Enterprise

How to get name/email of person who visits through the link, another approach to make a manual payment

Hello. There are a few questions I need to ask regarding the affiliate enterprise plugin that I have been used: 1. Can we get the name or email of the person who visits through the link shared? 2. If we make payment manually, is there another approach? 3. What is the difference between affiliate and […]

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Problems in Setting up mlm system

Hello sir , i purchased affiliates enterprises (with at gmail dit com) but may be it’s not working properly or I’m unable to setting up properly because of it’s too complicated , please help me out asap, I have tried many times but it’s create problem What i want to do : I want […]

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Issue with Rehub theme

Sir/Ma’am, Order #30019, I just bought affiliate enterprise on 11/26/2021, download with version 4.10.0. It is the right version? I uploaded to my website, installed/Activated. Unfortunately, activation did not activate, no enable update, no view detail, or setup anything, nothing. After I activated, still see activate, not work. I can send you a short cut […]

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Formidable forms show Post Title

Hi! Thanks for a great plugin. I’ve been trying to figure out to how make the Post Title show up in Admins Referrals page and also show it for Affiliates via and with some tweaks like $entry->integration == ‘affiliates-formidable-forms’. When looking in the docs Form Referrals and Leads you can see the post title on […]

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My order will expires soon at november 19, 2021… if i’m not going to renew the purchase item, is the feature on my website that i installed affiliates enterprise will stop working or it means that i just stop getting plugin updates? reply please asap

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How to change default confirmation mail and email address

Hello, how do I change the default confirmation mail sent to an affiliate when the user signs up? It shows and instead of that, I would prefer it shows in the mail it sent to users. Also the mail shows it is sent from, how do I change it to be sent […]

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Sender of Email Notification

Hi there, I am having issue of changing the sender of email notification, at the moment, the sender email showing “” (WordPress via please kindly see if you can provide some indication. Thanks so much.

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Zero amount in commissions

Hello, For a few days I have a problem with commissions, that appears at zero for all orders and affiliates. Before it works very well so I don’t understand what happen. I have the free plugin groups and premium plugin groups woocommerce. I have one formula for one group and another one for a second […]

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Custom formula based on total sale

Hello, I am creating a custom rate based on a formula. My current formula is referral_rate*product_commission. “referral_rate” and “product_commission” are custom made variables created by the following rule: function my_variables( $variables, $rate, $context ) { $vat_rate = 0.055; $product_total = $variables[’t’]*$vat_rate; // FIXME: Find sale total $sale_total = $product_total; $variables[’vat_rate’] = $vat_rate; $variables[’product_total’] = $product_total; […]

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Block affiliate to receive revenue

Hello, I am trying to create a rule that blocks the user from receiving revenues if haven’t sold more than for example 1000$. After the client sold 1000$ in one or more orders that user will receive a rate for every product. In order to do that I tried to use an action filter like […]

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