Affiliates Enterprise

Capturing an affiliate isn’t working for me.

Hey guys, so here’s the deal. When an affiliate account is setup, the process is pretty straight forward. I send my tracking ID like this: the problem I’m having is that the refid didn’t get captured in the sale. I did not put code around my button on the page so I’m not sure […]

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How to determine which Affiliates sub-plugins are affected by Affiliates Enterprise updates?

Hi, and thanks for your quick support. How do I determine the version number of related Affiliates Pro plugins need to be deactivated and reinstalled with each new upgrade of the Affiliates Enterprise updates? Should I just assume that every update means I need to deactivate, delete, and install every Affiliates Pro plugin and integration? […]

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using an affiliate link in an email

if I type this in my email: <a href=”″></a> this shows up in the email: but how do i make it so just this shows up: “What’s in a Tear? The Purpose of Cancer?” as a link to click on that tracks the affiliate still?

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Sales team payment

I have a sales team of about 100 and want to grow. I would like to provide them with coupon codes which are linked to their sales figures. Would a monthly payment to the team members be possible with something like a Paypal push once per month? Thanks, Scott

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Tracking technology

Can I ask what sort of tracking is implemented into Affiliates Enterprise? As an affiliate publisher I find it important to know what sort of tracking I’m dealing with, so I want to include that info at my site for my affiliates as well. So what sort of techniques is this plugin using? Cookie? Session? […]

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Invoices for affiliates

Because of local laws, I need to create invoices for every affiliate payout (so they can put it into their books). Since this isn’t a standard feature of Affiliates Pro or Enterprise, I was wondering how you would go about this? Perhaps someone comes up with a creative solution to transform the payout data into […]

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Issue with WC Product Rates Method

We have a problem with orders not completing when the following settings are in place. Affiliates > Settings – Default referral calculation : Referral Amount Method – Default referral calculation value : Affiliates_WC_Method Affiliates_WC_Method::product_rates Affiliates > WooCommerce Integration – [x] Enable product referral rates – Default rate : .20 Products > edit a product > […]

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Coupon and referrers

Hi, I have an agent that have few referrers under him. Each one of them has is own coupon. Each one of them can get different % comission. For example – 1 sale with ‘x’ coupon that belongs to Jonh (under Gilad) i need gilad to get 15% comission and John 5% comission from the […]

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Code to add to thank you page

What code do I add to the “thank you” page to record the referral? Here is my page: The value I want to record is total tickets purchased not the sales amount. Each ticket = 1 point Also the cart is located at…… And sign-up is at Is this a problem?

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