Tag Archives | WordPress

Customized Product Catalog Template

How to customize the WooCommerce Product Catalog Template with Search and Filter Blocks

In this tutorial, you will learn how to customize the Product Catalog template of your WooCommerce shop. This default WooCommerce template uses the Product Catalog variation of the Product Collection block and is used for the Shop page. We extend the template with several blocks that allow to search and filter the products, making it […]

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Small Tools Big

We had a recent request to put out an update for a free tool for WordPress that has a small user base. The tool is really useful but is not well-known. What it does is to substitute keywords in your pages with links – it does this automatically, based on a set of keywords and […]

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How Contributors can protect their posts with Groups for WordPress

How Contributors can protect their posts with Groups for WordPress

In WordPress, the user permissions are defined by Roles and their deriving Capabilities. This Role-based model allows the Administrator – which is also a role – to determine the privileges assigned to each user. These privileges, in turn, are expressed through capabilities where each one of them determines a specific permission for the user. Furthermore, […]

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WordPress and WooCommerce Compatibility Requirements – June 2023

As of this month, we are updating relevant WordPress plugins and WooCommerce extensions to meet the following minimum version requirements and version compatibilities: WordPress 6.2 compatible WooCommerce 7.8 compatible PHP 8.x compatible WooCommerce HPOS compatible Minimum WordPress 6.0 required Minimum WooCommerce 7.4 required Minimum PHP 7.2 required Our first new update to cover these is […]

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WordPress Database Collation Troubles

WordPress Database Collation Troubles

If you ever come across this kind of error message in your WordPress debug.log (assuming that you have debugging enabled) … WordPress database error Illegal mix of collations (utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci,IMPLICIT) and (utf8mb4_unicode_ci,IMPLICIT) … … then you have a query that involves tables which have clashing collations. In my case, one table used utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci for a row […]

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Free Lunch Optimizations

Free Lunch Optimizations

Looking at a recent support request which involves issues with an “optimization” plugin, it reminds me of why we assertively recommend to avoid using any generic optimization plugins … like the plague! From lots of years of experience in providing support for our tools, there are countless cases of issues caused by “optimization plugins”. Experience […]

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The Power of Newsletters

Newsletters are a popular way of reaching your audience. You can add this powerful communication tool to your WordPress site with the Groups Newsletters extension. A newsletter allows you to write meaningful content and provide it to your audience in an easy and automated way. Write one or more stories, combine them into a newsletter […]

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WordPress - Publish your passion magenta madness

Feedback we love and good Ideas

While attending several requests related to our plugins on WordPress, I was delighted to see new awesome feedback and rating on our Groups plugin and the support we provide for it: Excellent support – I have to say, these things provide a huge motivation to me and everyone involved in making the Groups ecosystem better […]

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