Affiliate Pro could not be activated because it triggered a fatal error.

Hello there,

We have purchased, downloaded and tried to install your Affiliate Pro plugin but the plugin refuses to be installed and produces the following fatal error:

Warning: require_once(/var/sites/i/[our website address]/public_html/wp-content/plugins/affiliates/lib/ext/includes/class-affiliates-update.php) [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /var/sites/i/[our website address]/public_html/wp-content/plugins/affiliates-pro/lib/ext/wp-init.php on line 2

We currently have installed on our site the following similar plugins:

Affiliates version 2.5
Affiliates WooCommerce Integration Light 1.0.7

Can you please help on that?



if you remove the “affiliates” and install “affiliates pro” will it lose the affiliate information that we already have? We already have some affiliates set up, will this be deleted?



One response to “Affiliate Pro could not be activated because it triggered a fatal error.”

  1. You must replace the Affiliates plugin with Affiliates Pro. Please deactivate and delete the Affiliates plugin, then upload and activate Affiliates Pro.

    Make sure to follow the instructions in the readme file (available in the Downloads section as well.

    If you have the integration pack for WooCommerce, you should also replace the Light integration with the one for Affiliates Pro.
