Restart referrals data after paying

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Hallo , i have paid for our Affiliates user , i have also closed all Transaction , but our Affiliates still see that they have an Amount , haw to make the earnings Amount 0 agine ?
thank you

One Response to Restart referrals data after paying

  1. Eugen Bleck May 17, 2021 at 10:01 am #

    Hi Yazan,

    Good morning and happy new week!

    Thank you so much for choosing and using Affiliates Pro. It brings us great joy to know we have you as our valued customer.

    With respect to your inquiry, the amount seen by affiliates in the Overview tab, after referrals have been closed is the amount they earned over a period of time(By default this is set to 90days, they can, however, filter this by,last 7days, 30days,90days or Weekly, Monthly and Yearly).

    You can’t set the Earnings to zero(0). You can, however, indicate to them that they can see all the paid referrals by navigating to the Earnings tab on their affiliate dashboard or by navigating to the Referrals tab. Where they’ll notice each referral that has been closed would have the status of Paid.

    I remain available if you have any further inquiries.

    STAY SAFE and I wish you a very fine and productive day ahead!

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