Setup Affiliates Woocommerce Integration

Brief description how to setup Affiliates Woocommerce Integration:

Affiliates > Settings
– Default referral calculation : Referral Amount Method
– Default referral calculation value : Affiliates_WC_Method::product_rates
Affiliates > WooCommerce Integration
– [x] Enable product referral rates
– Default rate : (rate must be set here or on individual products)
Products > edit a product > Product Data > Affiliates :
– Referral rate : (rate must be set here or in general with the Default rate)


9 responses to “Setup Affiliates Woocommerce Integration”

  1. Griffin Avatar

    Here is my setup:

    Base Commission Rate – 30%
    Special manual commission rate 1 (assigned per user) – 50%
    Special manual commission rate 2 (assigned per user) – 75%

    The problem is I have one product that is a charity match and need to receive no commissions no matter what. If I enable Product rates, can I specify 0% commission for the charity match and all other rates will stay the same and be applied per affiliate? Thanks so much.

    1. Hi Griffin,

      Yes you can use the product rates method for that, just make sure you have it set up as indicated on the settings page and do a few tests so you are sure it works in line with what you expect it to calculate.

  2. ferky Avatar

    Can we also integrate Ready Ecommerce ok?

    1. Sure, as long as the plugin provides appropriate hooks so that the referrals can be recorded when an order is created. If you’d like to have a look at the documentation on the API?

  3. swappsee Avatar

    Thanks Antonio- I tried but it actually still didn’t work. The user name and email are prepopulated (all other fields are disabled as you suggest), but when I go and submit the form, it logs me out of the user account and brings me back to the registration page. All of the required field headings are highlighted in red as though I need to put them in again. But if I do, I get the duplicate email/username message since the system logged me out of my account and the are already user accounts (though not yet affiliate accts.)

    1. antonio Avatar

      I’ve tested your website, and maybe the problem is that in registration you don’t required “First name” and “Last name”, that are required in affiliate registration.
      You can inform the user that fill this fields in his member area, for example: “Please fill in the required information in your profile first.”


  4. swappsee Avatar

    Hi Kento

    If one of my site users is already registered as a user of my site and goes to sign-up for the affiliate program through the registration page, it gives an error that their email already exists in the system. Not sure if I missed something in setting up the program, but would I need to add them manually in the backend or is there a way that the system will allow a user that already exists as a regular member to sign up for the program using their same email? site:


    1. antonio Avatar

      you can see this other comment
      When you go to Affiliate Area registered as user but not as affiliate, you can see the affiliate registration form whose fields are disabled, but you can send form, and then become an affiliate.

