Understanding teirs and Levels

Whoever A directly signs up he gets 2%
Whoever B Signs up hey gets 2% and A gets 1%
And whoever C signs up B gets 1% and A gets 1%
And so on…… 10 levels deep

We have a 2% payout how do I do it? My system now has the pay outs all wrong.
Affiliate A signs up Affiliate B. Affiliate A should get 2% 0.002 of what Affiliate B sells.

When Affiliate B signs up Affiliate C, Affiliate B should get 2% of what Affiliate C. sells.

Also can I have it that we pay 2% of whatever Affiliate B sells and when Affiliate B signs up Affiliate C and when they sell B gets 2% and A gets 1%?

Thanks and I am using EDD.

One Response to Understanding teirs and Levels

  1. kento April 28, 2014 at 10:34 am #

    Hi David,

    I’ll explain with an example based on the following:

    – A general 30% commission is granted to affiliates who directly refer a purchase. This is set under Affiliates > Settings.


    – Affiliates in the upline should get 2% commissions on purchases referred by affiliates directly below them. This is set under Affiliates > Tiers > Level Rates > Level 1 where the value 0.02 would be set.

    – Those affiliates who are 2nd level ancestors to an affiliate who refers a purchase should get 1%, under Affiliates > Tiers > Level Rates > Level 2 this would be reflected using the value 0.01.


    Let’s take the structure you have proposed above, which I assume is: affiliate A has referred affiliate B, and B has referred affiliate C.

    Taking into account the above, if affiliate C directly refers a purchase with a net sales amount of $100, then:

    – Affiliate C gets 30% of $100 => $30
    – Affiliate B gets 2% of $100 => $2
    – Affiliate A gets 1% of $100 => $1

    I hope that helps to get a better understanding of how this works. You can take this any levels deep.

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