What is “normal affiliate referral process”?

Hi guys,

Sorry if this seems like a silly question but what exactly is the normal affiliate referral process, besides a check box in Affiliates Permanent? Trying to figure out if I should check this or not and my vast searches haven’t turned up anything.

One Response to What is “normal affiliate referral process”?

  1. kento May 6, 2014 at 4:32 pm #

    Hi Grady,

    The normal process would be someone clicking an affiliate’s link and some time thereafter making a purchase. The affiliate system recognizes that the sale was referred by an affiliate , computes the commission and records this as a referral.

    If that same customer is later referred by another affiliate, that other affiliate will get a commission instead of the first one. Also there is a period of time during which the referrals would be granted after the customer has visited the affiliate link. Beyond that time, the affiliate wouldn’t get a commission (although that period of time can be made quite long).

    With Affiliates Permanent, once a customer has been referred by an affiliate, the affiliate always gets a commission on any purchase that the customer makes.

    I hope that helps you understand how this works better 🙂


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