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How to create a time-limited Membership Product
In this post we will show you how to create a Membership product in WooCommerce using Groups and Groups for WooCommerce. The customer(s) will become members of the Premium Club group for one year after buying this product.

Please note that the setup of the Membership product is the same, regardless of the group or duration we choose to grant to the customers, after buying this product. More information on Memberships provided by Groups WooCommerce can be found in the plugin’s documentation for Memberships.
Once we click on Products > Add new from our WordPress Dashboard, we are ready to add some basic options and later on we will choose the group Membership to attach to this product.
The product we are going to create is a Simple product, because we choose to offer only one type of Membership. Also, for the reason that no physical deliveries will be made, we should also enable the Virtual option. For the full description and options on adding new WooCommerce products, please visit the official documentation on Adding and Managing Products.
As for the product data, you are recommended to at least specify a title, a description and an excerpt in the equivalent fields and add a Product Image. Furthermore and under the Product data panel, make sure to specify the Regular price under General.

Now that the basic product setup is ready, we are ready to proceed and choose what kind of group Membership it gives access to.
Specifying the Group Membership and Duration
While still in the Product data panel we can set the Membership group that is granted by our product.
Let’s click on the Groups tab and choose Premium Club in the Add to Groups option. This option determines the group that a customer becomes a member of, after buying this product.
As we mentioned in the beginning, our product will grant annual Membership access, so in the Duration option we will specify 1 and in the Time Unit option we will select Years.

After this step we can Publish this product and review it in the frontend through the shop and archive pages.

Our new product declares the cost and duration of the Membership and we are ready to start selling memberships to the Premium Club group.
Photo Credits – Groups, Product data by me. Product featured image by peoplecreations
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