Tag Archives | woocommerce

Customized Product Catalog Template

How to customize the WooCommerce Product Catalog Template with Search and Filter Blocks

In this tutorial, you will learn how to customize the Product Catalog template of your WooCommerce shop. This default WooCommerce template uses the Product Catalog variation of the Product Collection block and is used for the Shop page. We extend the template with several blocks that allow to search and filter the products, making it […]

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WordPress and WooCommerce Compatibility Requirements – June 2023

As of this month, we are updating relevant WordPress plugins and WooCommerce extensions to meet the following minimum version requirements and version compatibilities: WordPress 6.2 compatible WooCommerce 7.8 compatible PHP 8.x compatible WooCommerce HPOS compatible Minimum WordPress 6.0 required Minimum WooCommerce 7.4 required Minimum PHP 7.2 required Our first new update to cover these is […]

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Screenshot 2023-05-02 at 6.07.07 PM

How to create a time-limited Membership Product

In this post we will show you how to create a Membership product in WooCommerce using Groups and Groups for WooCommerce. The customer(s) will become members of the Premium Club group for one year after buying this product. A preview of the Membership product Please note that the setup of the Membership product is the […]

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WooCommerce Product Search Extension

WooCommerce Product Search and Custom Taxonomies

A common support request we get for the WooCommerce Product Search extension, is the following: I’m using a custom taxonomy on my WooCommerce shop, but when I search by its terms, I get no results. How can I achieve this? For the majority of shops out there, the core taxonomies provided by WooCommerce should be […]

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The unsettling Truth about the Global Unset

In PHP, there is a pitfall when using unset on a global variable within the scope of a function or method. When referred to using the global keyword within a function, unset will not destroy the global variable within the global scope. global $banana; $banana = ‘yellow’; function monkey() { global $banana; unset( $banana ); […]

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The Power of Newsletters

Newsletters are a popular way of reaching your audience. You can add this powerful communication tool to your WordPress site with the Groups Newsletters extension. A newsletter allows you to write meaningful content and provide it to your audience in an easy and automated way. Write one or more stories, combine them into a newsletter […]

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Tracking User Actions with Affiliates

One of the most common requests we get on our support forums is: How to track user actions and compensate affiliates? or other variations that basically ask the same thing: How to integrate Affiliates with the xyz plugin? With the free version of Affiliates plugin this is pretty easy using an API function provided exactly […]

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WordPress Support

WordPress Support Session

It’s nice to see that people are working with Groups also over the weekend! We’ve had a few requests related to Groups which I’ve attended today and I wanted to summarize here: Groups PayPal – Publish GPLv3 Open Source on GitHubIncompatibility with BuddyBossPost Read restriction and Cron job The first one is related to a […]

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WordPress - Publish your passion in blue

WordPress Support Session

I began today’s support session by directing a user to the Referrals section of Affiliates where he could easily view referrals made by affiliates. This was geared towards helping him identify all the referrals made by specific affiliates. I then moved on to an interesting case in which the client wanted to use Groups to […]

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A sunflower representing the many ramifications of considerations around the Groups plugin

Users managing WordPress Groups

A recent request we have received is related to managing things with the Groups plugin for WordPress. It touches on an interesting and important set of functions that would be great to have: Users creating groups?Pre-install question:Is it possible to allow all users to create groups and manage who goes into those groups with this […]

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