Affiliates access and analytics capabilities

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Hi, I have a new affiliate that is familiar with other affiliate programs but not this one. His comment was: “I assume I can track how many clicks each banner gets on your WordPress template? That will help me decide what pages and locations on a page to place them on.”

So I have several questions.
1: Does Affiliates Pro have this capabilities, and if so, how do I give him access?
2: I have experimented with various user role permissions (and created an “Affiliates” role) but I don’t see any difference when I check off Affiliates Access. Is there another page besides the Affiliates Area where they can access more data?
3: As you probably can tell, I am new to this, so this question is kind of basic: if a purchase is made by someone that visits 2 different affiliate websites during the eligible period, will referrals be credited to BOTH affiliates or only the first one? (I don’t want to pay double commissions…)

Thank you,


One Response to Affiliates access and analytics capabilities

  1. antonio May 7, 2015 at 6:53 pm #

    Hi Chris,
    1.- In Affiliates->Settings:General you can add permissions by roles. You can use advanced shortcodes to create front pages.
    2.- In Affiliates->Manager Affiliates you can create manually affiliates from users, using the username field. In the frontend you can use the affiliates_registration shortcode to create a form to join affiliates.
    3.- The last one will be used.
    Antonio B.

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