Commission % for referral from the order

I have an Affiliates Enterprise and Affiliates Coupon plug and I have a question whether it is possible to set in the plug that the partner receives a% commission on the order made by the recommended customer?

3 Responses to Commission % for referral from the order

  1. George July 27, 2020 at 5:06 pm #

    You’re welcome Pawel.


  2. Paweł Strutyński July 24, 2020 at 7:27 am #

    Thank you for your help

  3. George July 23, 2020 at 5:47 pm #

    Hey Pawel,

    Thanks for using our affiliates plugins and welcome to our support forum.

    Yes you can set a % commission on a per-partner basis, using Rates under Affiliates > Rates. You should add a new rate, select Rate, set the commission amount -ie 0.3 for your case- and if you like only a specific affiliate to get that commission then choose this affiliate in the Affiliate field.
    The process is explained in the plugin documentation for rates, where we also provide screenshots.

    Please also note that if you wish a specific affiliate only to get a 30% commission, then you should also add another general rate that will apply for the rest of your affiliates. If on the other hand you wish all your affiliates to get the same amount, then you can omit selecting a specific affiliate and use only one rate.

    If you need further assistance regarding rates, please don’t hesitate to follow up here with a comment.

    Kind regards,

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