Second Try–PLEASE help me with set-up!

I have been struggling with your plug-in for a couple of weeks. I have tried EVERYTHING I can think of. Please email me for admin privileges so you can check it out.

Thank you very much!

Below is my last topic–I have tried many more ideas since then but the gist is still the same.

WooCommerce Set-Up Help

My site has both retail and wholesale customers. Since my products have different size offerings for each type of customer, I have created a completely different product list for each. I have been trying to set up my site using Groups Restrict with absolutely NO success. I have read the documentation, watched the video and read the forums, repeatedly, to no avail. I need help OR a refund.
1. Under “Groups>Restrict Categories”, can I have just “Product Categories” selected or do others need to be selected, as well? I have tried EVERYTHING.
2. Under capabilities, I have created capabilities that correspond to all of my WooCommerce Product categories (Wholesale Soups, Wholesale Spices, Wholesale Cookbooks, Wholesale Specialty Items, Soups, Spices, Cookbooks, Specialty Items).
Under “Groups”, I have 3 groups created: Wholesale, Registered Retail and Unregistered Retail.
Listed as those groups’ capabilities are the product categories that the group has access to. For example, “Registered” has the following capabilities: Soups, Spices, Cookbooks, Specialty Items. “Wholesale” has these capabilities: Wholesale Soups, Wholesale Spices, Wholesale Cookbooks, Wholesale Specialty Items.
Under my WooCommerce product listings, the capability-corresponding product category is selected (i.e. Soups, Spices, Wholesale Cookbooks, Wholesale Specialty Items…). When I log in to the site under a wholesale user ID, shouldn’t I see just those products that are accessible to the Wholesale group?
Note: Based on the Groups Restrict Categories video on your site, I have not selected any access restrictions on each product info/entry page.
Does all of this sound correct? What now?!
Thanks! I am desperate!

One Response to Second Try–PLEASE help me with set-up!

  1. kento September 10, 2014 at 1:02 pm #

    Hi Kari,

    Thanks for the details but I am missing the main point which is how exactly you would want the whole thing to work. If you can briefly explain what exactly you are trying to achieve, then it will be easier to help you. In any case, regarding your questions:

    #1 If you want to restrict product categories, then you must have Product Category checked under Groups > Restrict Categories.

    #2 To be able to answer that question I would need to know what you currently see and where the difference is between what you would expect to see.

    You can email admin access to support at itthinx dot com and please provide a link to this topic in your email so we know which topic the login is for. Please make sure to respond to #2 here so that we know exactly what you expect to see. We can then check if anything needs to be adjusted in your setup.

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