Itthinx Mail Queue

Itthinx Mail Queue

Mail Queue & SMTP for WordPress Improve the user experience on your WordPress site through the way emails are handled! The Itthinx Mail Queue plugin for WordPress features a fully automated email queue that substantially improves the way emails are sent out from your site: Improves the user experience for form submissions, don’t make your […]

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Affiliates MailChimp

Affiliates MailChimp integrates Affiliates, Affiliates Pro and Affiliates Enterprise with MailChimp (see the requirements below) and allows you to add your new and existing affiliates to a MailChimp mailing list. Requirements  Affiliates, Affiliates Pro or Affiliates Enterprise Please note that this integration is compatible and has been tested with the MailChimp API v3. It is not compatible with any of […]

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Affiliates PayPal

This integration has been discontinued. We recommend to use WooCommerce with the PayPal or Stripe payment gateways instead. These are fully supported by our Affiliates WooCommerce integration available with Affiliates Pro or Affiliates Enterprise. We also recommend to use Groups WooCommerce and WooCommerce Subscriptions to support group-based affiliate rates and commissions on recurring payments. The […]

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Affiliates Import

Affiliates Import is an extension for Affiliates, Affiliates Pro and Affiliates Enterprise. It allows to import affiliates in bulk from a text file. You can use this tool to migrate from another affiliate system or to import batches of affiliate accounts in general. This tool works with plain text files to import affiliates. An easy […]

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Affiliates Ninja Forms

Our integration with Ninja Forms makes it really easy to create customized affiliate registration forms. In addition, our integration also records referrals for form submissions, allowing your affiliates to earn commissions on referred leads and sales handled through Ninja Forms. Affiliate Registration Forms: Allow affiliates to sign up through forms handled by Ninja Forms. Form […]

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Affiliates BuddyPress

Affiliates BuddyPress

Affiliates BuddyPress is an Affiliates integration with BuddyPress that allows to display affiliate content in the BuddyPress user profile – both plugins are required to make sensible use of this integration. You would use this plugin to display the page content of a specific page intended to be seen by affiliates, or by potential affiliates who would like to […]

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Post Generator

Post Generator is a sample post generator for WordPress which supports Custom Post Types, too. It’s purpose is to provide an automated way of creating even very large sets of posts, useful in providing a test environment for performance benchmarks and use case testing. The generator provides two modes of operation: Single Run where up to a certain number of posts are […]

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Groups bbPress

Groups bbPress integrates Groups and bbPress so that all topics and replies related to protected forums are also protected automatically. This additional plugin is necessary if you want to run member-only forums with bbPress and Groups. As the topics and replies in bbPress are custom post types, it is not sufficient to protect a forum using Groups. The topics and […]

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Search Live

Search Live supplies integrated live search facilities and advanced search features. Instant Search Results This tool provides instant live search results where matches are found for one or multiple search keywords in titles, excerpts or content, allows to enhance the standard search form with this functionality, provides a flexible shortcode [search_live] that can be placed […]

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WooCommerce Product Generator

WooCommerce Product Generator is a sample product generator for WooCommerce. It’s purpose is to provide an automated way of creating even very large sets of products, useful in providing a test environment for performance benchmarks and use case testing. Click to download the current version : WooCommerce Product Generator The generator provides two modes of […]

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Widgets Control

Widgets Control

The Widgets Control plugin for WordPress is a toolbox that features visibility management for all widgets, sidebars, sections of content and content blocks. It allows to show widgets and sidebars based on conditions – you can choose to show them only on certain pages or exclude them from being displayed. Sections of content can also […]

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Affiliates Pay per Click

Download Purchase a license for Affiliates Pro or Affiliates Enterprise. This extension integrates Pay per Click, Pay per Visit and Pay per Daily Visit and is included with Affiliates Pro and Affiliates Enterprise. Description This extension allows to grant affiliates commissions based on the click or visits to their affiliate links. It integrates with Affiliates […]

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Affiliates AddToAny

Download Purchase a license for Affiliates Pro or Affiliates Enterprise. Affiliates plugin integration for AddToAny – The Universal Sharing Platform. Description This plugin integrates Affiliates Pro and Affiliates Enterprise with AddToAny and their Share Buttons by AddToAny WordPress plugin. The integration converts website links into affiliate links for affiliates when they log in. Instead of […]

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Affiliates Events Manager

Download Download the plugin. Affiliates plugin integration for Events Manager, a Fully featured event registration management including recurring events, locations management, calendar, Google map integration, booking management. Description This plugin integrates Affiliates, Affiliates Pro and Affiliates Enterprise with the Events Manager WordPress plugin. The integration records referrals for referred Bookings automatically. It also synchronizes those […]

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