Export Affiliate Info by Group


I am trying to export affiliate info based on the group.
The Groups Export doesn’t have any of the Affiliate Info the export (but all the user info)
The Affiliate Export doesn’t have any of the User Info to export (but all the affiliate info)
This makes it incredibly difficult to organize the affiliate data based on each group (especially if their user email & affiliate email are different)
What is the best way to go about this????

Is it possible to add the Affiliate ID and Affiliate E-mail to the User Profile Data?
This would make sense since it is part of the user’s info.

I figured this would be included considering they are used side-by-side.


One response to “Export Affiliate Info by Group”

  1. antonio Avatar

    Hi Bo,
    affiliate’s data and user’s data are separated because not all affiliates are linked to users.
    You could create your own solution adding user profile data using ‘affiliates_added_affiliate’ or ‘affiliates_updated_affiliate’ actions.
    Antonio B.
