
Groups Hook for Shortcodes

Posting this again, as responses to the original are locked out so i cannot reply to the support response. —Original Request— Is there a way to hook into the existing groups shortcode and edit how the “locked content” description looks? I know that there is a template modification example with the 2020 template to show […]

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Fatal error undefined function get_current_user()

Got fatal error on wordpress site as soon as launching the backend (wp-admin). Identified to be due to Groups plugin. Bypass possible while deactivating the plugin through ftp by renaming the plugin folder, leaving the site without group access security controls. Hereby the debug.log extract (site_ID# replaced by mysite) : [28-Jan-2023 17:36:25 UTC] PHP […]

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Future plugin

You are missing a plugin like Uncanny codes for wordpress to work with groups plugin. Users to be assigned to a group, after entering a group code. Maybe you will develop it in the future…..

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Some of our WooCommerce Products are being hidden to guest users

From the conversation started here … Hi Kento, Still trying to track down this bug. Even with the filter commented out we’re still seeing issues with products being hidden from search/category pages. Here are the steps I’ve taken: 1. Go to /lib/extra/class-groups-extra.php, add a comment to line 35 to disable the visiblity filter. 2. Go to […]

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Unable to update

“There is a new version of Groups File Access available… Automatic update is unavailable for this plugin.” I have an account, a license for 5 sites, & a service key. I have been using this plugin for several years & would like to continue using it! I have followed your instructions, downloaded & installed ithinx-updates […]

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Group Pluging Error

Getting this error on our site: E_ERROR was caused in line 240 of the file /home/scudde7/public_html/dev/wp-content/plugins/groups/lib/access/class-groups-access-meta-boxes.php. Error message: Uncaught TypeError: in_array(): Argument #2 ($haystack) must be of type array, string given in /home/scudde7/public_html/dev/wp-content/plugins/groups/lib/access/class-groups-access-meta-boxes.php:240 Stack trace: #0 /home/scudde7/public_html/dev/wp-content/plugins/groups/lib/access/class-groups-access-meta-boxes.php(240): in_array(‘9’, ”) #1 /home/scudde7/public_html/dev/wp-admin/includes/template.php(1409): Groups_Access_Meta_Boxes::groups(Object(WP_Post), Array) #2 /home/scudde7/public_html/dev/wp-admin/edit-form-advanced.php(681): do_meta_boxes(Object(WP_Screen), ‘side’, Object(WP_Post)) #3 /home/scudde7/public_html/dev/wp-admin/post-new.php(75): require(‘/home/scudde7/p…’) #4 {main} thrown

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Groups 404 Redirect

Like to redirect users to login for Group restricted page. Read forum here and found out Plugin Groups 404 Redirect. It has not been updated for 2 years, is it still safe to download and use it? Thanks,

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Add links to [groups_user_groups]

Hi, I am using to show groups that a user is subscribed to. Is there a way to add a hyperlink to each of the groups listed so that you can easily go the the group pages? e.g. If a user is subscribed to groups ‘Cats’ and ‘Dogs’ I would like to be able to […]

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Deleting access restriction is deleting post!

Hi, I’ve been a long time Groups user. I’m on WP 6.0 and running the latest version of Divi. I have hundreds of posts where I used to use the Access Restrictions “Enforce Read Access” feature to control who sees what. I have since decided to switch the Groups “Read” functionality. There is a major […]

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Groups Hook for Shortcodes

Is there a way to hook into the existing groups shortcode and edit how the “locked content” description looks? I know that there is a template modification example with the 2020 template to show only an excerpt, but on the site we are using the plugin we want the author to be able to use […]

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Need help with woocommerce group coupons

I’m trying to apply two coupon code on one order with WooCommerce Group Coupons. I have two groups: 1. 50% discount group with 50% off auto coupon 2. 60% discount group with 60% off auto coupon If I add both groups to the same user, I want both coupons applied to the cart. is that […]

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