See Affiliates Pro in our shop for the latest information about our product.

For usage instructions please refer to the documentation.


1,490 responses to “Affiliates Pro”

  1. Hello,

    We would like to set different affiliate groups on our site. For example, Group A gets 10% off for the link they share and Group B gets 15% off for their link but Group C gets only 5 % for their link. Does that make sense to you and can this plugin manage to do that on our wordpress site?



    1. Hi Chris,

      Yes, that is supported via the system’s Rates – the link points to the related documentation section, where you can see details on that and how these integrate with our Groups plugin.

      So you could easily set up a couple of groups like those you mention and create a couple of related rates that grant the desired percentages. Affiliates in those groups would have their commissions calculated accordingly, and you could also use a general rate for affiliates who don’t belong to any of those groups (if that is desired).


      1. Maureen LaVette Avatar
        Maureen LaVette

        Hello Kento, I’m confused on how this applies to my specific situation. I am using ARMember as the base plugin which happens to work with the theme we have chosen. For added context we are selling movie subscriptions giving people access to buy or rent video content. I understand that Affiliate Pro integrates with ARMember…However when I imported both plugins and then went to the specific plan I have created in ARMember, there is a toggle that lets me turn on Affiliates Pro…However, it then only gives me an option to enter only 1 number for the referral amount (fixed or percentage)…Is there a way that I can somehow get the Groups and Rates feature to crossover all the way to ARMember?

        1. Hi Maureen,

          Thanks for asking! From what you describe, it seems that their integration only contemplates a preset commission, but doesn’t support rates. Possible approaches:

          1) Extend their existing integration

          Their integration would have to be extended to support rates specifically. Examples of such advanced integrations can be reviewed and taken as the code base for such an extension, for example as the Affiliates Events Manager integration does. Note that even if the integration were extended to use rates, it would still not be as tightly integrated as we have e.g. the WooCommerce integration. So you would not be able to create rates that target the membership plugin, but you could take advantage of formula-based rates which would allow to pinpoint specific memberships via the use of formulas. I don’t know if they would be willing to extend their integration though, it’s a lot of work and seeing that they also have their own affiliate extension, it might not be worth it for them. If they won’t do it, you could hire a developer to do it for you.

          2) Use their affiliate system instead

          3) Use WooCommerce with WooCommerce Subscriptions, Groups and Groups WooCommerce instead. This combination would be perfect if you prefer to use our Affiliates Pro. Here everything is already integrated to work together.

          I hope this helps you to decide which way is the most appropriate one for your deployment.


      2. Hi good day,
        I installed the group plugin. How can an affiliate be assigned to a group or select a group during registration via the affiliate registration page? Also, failed login on the affiliate login page redirects to admin login

        1. Hi Micah, please direct this question at our premium support forum for Affiliates Pro where our team will be able to help you further. Cheers

  2. Quick question: Looking for a Woocommerce affiliate plugin and really like your plugin. Our order form runs on Gravity forms, and there is a field in the form where the customer can choose the quality of the product (we call it ‘basic’ and ‘prime’), each choice leads to different pricing, but they are NOT separate products, just a form field in the products themselves.
    We would like commissions to be paid ONLY when a ‘prime’ quality is chosen. Is this possible with your plugin?
    Looking forward to your response. Cheers!

    1. Hi Itay,

      Yes that’s possible, you need to use Formula-based Rates for that which allow you to determine the commission based on the referral context. You will need to implement the affiliates_formula_computer_variables filter which receives the form ID and entry ID of the form submission in its context among other data, and provide the desired commission rate similarly to the example given in our documentation.


  3. Affiliates Pro version 4.12.0 just released!

  4. Katrin Brandberg Avatar
    Katrin Brandberg

    Hi, we have subscription offers on our products. If an affiliate gets a referral where the customer buys a product with subscription, will the affiliate get commission for each instance when the subscription activates and a payment is completed? Like for example if the customer chooses to get a delivery every two months, will the affiliate get a commission each time or only for the initial purchase?


    1. Hi Katrin,

      Both ways are possible. You can choose to enable recurring referrals which would grant commissions on renewals, or have that disabled so that only the initial referred order produces a commission. If you enable recurring referrals, you can also set a time limit, or leave them enabled forever. On this documentation page for our advanced WooCommerce integration that comes with Affiliates Pro, you can see this documented under the heading “Recurring Referrals”.


      1. Katrin Brandberg Avatar
        Katrin Brandberg

        Thank you!

  5. I wanted to check whether Pro and Enterprise plugin needs to be renewed every year for updates or is it one time payment?

    1. Hi Nitin,

      Thanks for asking! They are on a yearly basis, you can see the details on our Terms page.


  6. Ashwin Dave Avatar
    Ashwin Dave


    I want to pay the referral amount to user, how to I can pay to users referral amount

    1. Hi Ashwin,

      You’ll find this explained in the Totals section of the documentation.


  7. andrian kolev Avatar
    andrian kolev

    can with this plugin not registered users to refer a friend and both get discount codes?

    1. Hi Andrian,

      Thanks for asking! This isn’t directly supported, although we do have the Affiliates Coupons extension that makes it easy to create coupons that affiliates can use to refer customers.


  8. Hi, Affiliate Pro seems to be a great plugin to establish an affiliate network.
    I’m wondering if there is also an option to pay affiliates with store credit which they can spend in my shop?
    AffiliateWP has this kind of option: (link)

    1. Hi,

      Thanks for asking. There is which you could use to send to affiliates based on their Totals –

      The Store Credit also allows to import store credit coupons – How to import store credit coupons? which could be used in combination with the exported totals from Affiliates Pro to make the process easier for periodic payouts to many affiliates via that system.


  9. Tone Love Avatar
    Tone Love

    I am using Affiliates Pro 4.9.0. According to your documentation, [affiliate_name] is a valid token that outputs the affiliate’s name in all notifications. Unfortunately, this token is not working. Instead, all emails simply output the actual token itself, “[affiliate_name]” instead of the affiliate’s name. How can we correct this?

    1. For this please submit a support request via and our team will be able to help you further. We will likely need to review your settings, once you have posted the request one of our team will follow up with you accordingly.

      1. Hi, this sort of credit usage is quite unrealistic for as ad it requires too many manual steps carried out.

        Do you plan to make an more integrated use of credit on the cart or checkout page as it has been done by affiliatewp?

        We feel your extension more flexible compared to affiliatewp regrading mlm, complex commission calculations etc but this would be a major drawback as all of our customers do only use the credits for their own purchases!

        (i would like to get an individual pre sales contact as we have some other questions to clarify before we decide which extension to buy)

        Thank you,

        1. Hi Stefan,

          You’ve posed in reply to a question which is not related, I don’t know which credit usage you refer to. But from what you explain, I could recommend to use an extension like WooCommerce Points and Rewards to grant credits to your affiliates. Ideally, you would use the reports that you can export from Affiliates Pro or Affiliates Enterprise to bulk-import the desired credits with that extension.

          For additional questions, please post them here and I’d be happy to answer them.


          1. Hi Lento, yes you are right, I wanted to respond to your post or 28 June 2021.

            Can you please, that you only provide that complicated and time consuming process to pay customer/affiliates with credits for the own purchase??

            Its incredible for such a sophisticated affiliate plugin like yours to have this drawback compared to others, where its fully integrated.


            1. Hi Stefan,

              Thanks, I see you refer to this comment.

              There I mentioned the possibility of using the Store Credit extension. This is still a viable way of handling accumulated commissions and reward your affiliates via credits. The link to the section I mentioned in that comment has changed, the current documentation has a section How to bulk/import store credit coupons? which suggests to use the Customer/Order/Coupon CSV Import Suite – this can be used to import credits accumulated from commissions.

              You could use this e.g. on a monthly basis to handle the accumulated commissions that our system provides. The steps involved would be:

              1. Export accumulated commissions via Affiliates > Totals > Export.
              2. Convert the obtained data file from our TSV to the CSV format acceptable for the import via the Customer/Order/Coupon CSV Import Suite extension. For this step I would recommend a script that generates unique codes for the first column.
              3. Import the converted data.

              The process can be done in a few minutes and incorporated into a monthly review and handling of commissions pending payment.

              The strength of our system is that it allows to work with a multitude of independent payout processes, thanks to the data it provides. I believe this to be a better solution than trying to incorporate a fixed way of handling affiliate credits within our system itself.


  10. Tone Love Avatar
    Tone Love

    I am using Affiliates Pro 4.9.0, Woocommerce Subscriptions w/ just three variable subscription products and PayPal Standard. I created a 20% and 25% rates for the WooCommerce objects as illustrated here:

    I then created an active affiliate user, used their affiliate link as a dummy user and completely purchased a subscription using a debit card. Woocommerce Subscriptions reflected the successful transaction (putting the order in Pending status) and Affiliates Pro correctly identified the new customer as a referral by the affiliate. However, the affiliate’s pending payout total is still $0. There’s no where in the system that shows a 30% commission of $7.50. Why isn’t the rate correctly reflected from the transaction?

    Side note: Woocommerce Subscriptions is oddly showing a “Staging” label although all changes were made on the live site.

    Any insight would be appreciated.

    1. Hi,

      While your order is pending, the commission is not considered for payout until it is completed or processed (depending on settings). Please review the documentation on how Totals are handled and the section on the WooCommerce integration for details.

      Please make sure that your post any support requests via where our premium support team is happy to help you further. The comments in this section take longer to attend to and it’s not really intended for support requests.


  11. for the affiliates pro plugin,
    – if customer click on the referral link and purchase something as a guest, can customer get discount and referral earn referral fees?
    – if customer click on the referral link and register, referral earn referral fees and does customer earn anything?
    – if customer click on the referral link and register, the following purchase from the customer will auto earn referral on referral fee correct? how about customer, does he earn anyting?

    1. Hi,

      – For the case where a customer should get a discount, the system supports referral by coupon:
      – No
      – You would use Affiliates Permanent for that:


      1. okay going to buy this plugin

        1. That’s great, thanks for supporting our work and for using our software!

  12. for the Affiliate Registration Forms, I would like my affiliate to upload image or file, how can i do that ?

    1. Hi Woon,

      You could use one of the form plugin integrations that support affiliate registration:


  13. Hi there, I’m using affiliates pro and want to know if there is a way to find out which affiliate a specific order came through? I’ve looked around and can’t seem to find a way. So I start off with the order number and need to see if it’s been allocated to an affiliate. Grateful for any help thanks!

    1. Hi Tamara,

      Under Affiliates > Referrals on top of the list there is a search field where you can input the order number.


      1. Steven Seatherton Avatar
        Steven Seatherton

        Thanks so much Kento, very helpful. I have another question, grateful for your support.

        We are currently experiencing a weird issue with the plugin which looks like it’s only recording/ reporting some of the affiliate referrals, but not all. We have several customised other plugins on the site so we’re trying to determine if there might be a conflict somewhere.

        It would help me if you could let me know where the plugin gets its raw data and if we can pull this in some other way to compare that data to what is actually displayed in the reports. Is this possible? Thanks!

        If there is another way I need to ask for this sort of support pls let me know. Thank you!

        1. Hi,

          I’m George and will follow-up after Karim’s comment.
          The basic requirement for a successfully recorded referral, is to have the wp_affiliates cookie with the correct affiliate id, stored in your browser. Since you already have referrals for your affiliates, then it’s better to proceed with locating the conflict. The easiest way is to disable all your other plugins apart from Affiliates Pro and any necessary integrations like Affiliates WooCommerce integration and then make a few test referrals to find out to source of that issue. During this process it will also be useful to enable WP debugging and review wp-content/debug.log file for issues on your site in general.

          All the data rendered in reports comes from the plugin database tables and therefore it would be of no use to make such a comparison. IMO, the issue with failed referrals resides somewhere else and if the aforementioned process doesn’t give you any clues, then it would be better for you to start a new topic under the Affiliates Pro forum and create a temp admin account for me to have a look at your Dashboard, using george at itthinx dot com as the email address.

          Kind regards,

      2. Steven Seatherton Avatar
        Steven Seatherton

        Woops I ended up logged in as Steve who is my web designer and he paid for the plugin, but it is Tamara. 🙂 (owner of the site!).

  14. Michael Berry Avatar
    Michael Berry

    Hi I am new to affiliates pro. I have been through the set up documents think I have everything working.
    I have a few questions
    1. I wanted to know if I can set an affiliate to get $25 every 4 weeks on a subscription product for 70 days and than change to $10 ongoing?
    2. Can I reassign a client to another affiliate?
    3. can a client be assigned to two affiliates? one for 15% and the other for 10% as one referred them and the other is working to keep them in the business?

    1. Hi Michael,

      Thanks for using our software!

      #1 For this I would recommend to use formula-based rates which can be implemented accordingly. You could compute which commission rate should apply based on the customer’s subscription and use that in the formula-based commission amount calculation. Please have a look at Rates under the heading Formula-based Rates for details.

      #2 If the customer was referred via affiliate link, then this would not be something you could do, as it’s up to the customer to visit an affiliate’s link and you wouldn’t have control over that. If you would like to assign a customer to a specific affiliate, then you could use Affiliates Permanent.

      #3 It probably depends on how these affiliates are related. You could envision a solution based on Affiliates Enterprise using its Tiers.

      Please make sure to request support here for further help and our team will be happy to help you further.


    2. Steven Seatherton Avatar
      Steven Seatherton

      Woops I ended up logged in as Steve who is my web designer and he paid for the plugin, but it is Tamara. 🙂 (owner of the site!).

  15. andrian kolev Avatar
    andrian kolev

    I need to translate the plugin but whatever I do with loco translate is not working for full translation. any help

    1. Hi,

      Please review Translations in the documentation for details.


      1. andrian kolev Avatar
        andrian kolev

        I can send you translated files for affiliates and affiliates-pro so you can add them in next update? how about that?


        1. Hi Andrian, that would be great and we would certainly welcome your contribution. I see that you followed up regarding some untranslated strings although you seem to have concluded the full translation. Could you please send a brief overview of what strings you found were not translated and we will make sure to include them if possible. You can send the translated files over to support at itthinx dot com and please make sure to include a link to our conversation here. Thanks!

      2. andrian kolev Avatar
        andrian kolev

        no matter what I do even i have both files translated affiliate and affiliate-pro still there are some not translated strings. And both files are 100% finished in translation.

  16. I would like to ask how the site is calculated for the Pro version. Is this per domain or per instance?

    1. Hi Glenn, these are per site.

  17. George Perelshteyn Avatar
    George Perelshteyn

    Hello. If an affiliate places a link for a SUBSCRIPTION ORDER, but doesn’t use their referral link by mistake… how do I attribute that current order and all subsequent ones to that affiliate? I know I can go to “referrals” and create a manual commission. But I want to ensure that all subscription orders that go through, also get attributed to that affiliate.

    1. Hi George, please post a support request on with this and your premium support team will help you further with that.

  18. I have a two-part question:

    Does Affiliates Pro allow me to provide our affiliate partners with a link to provide their customers to track when customers click on our link and contact us
    1. Enabling affiliate partners to track each individual customer from the Initial click through the payment process to see what/how much they have earned?
    2. Enabling me to monitor each customer who clicked on a link, which affiliate partners referred each client to see who/how much earned on each commission?

    1. Hi Keith,

      I would recommend to have a look at the documentation pages to learn about the system in I believe that both your questions are covered by it.


  19. Hi Guys

    I have installed and used your plugin for a new site we are building for a client. My question is this, is there anyway that we can set the affiliate code or change the affiliate code that has been automatically generated by your plugin please?

    1. Hi Rob,

      Thanks for using our tools! I guess what this is in line with what you want: Affiliates by Username?


  20. yogabazaar Avatar

    Hi, for some time now I cannot update the Affiliates Pro and Affiliates Woocommerce Integration plugins on my site. The key is in the system. Any ideas? Thanks

    1. Hi,

      Your license and updates period has expired, you can simply renew it


  21. Hi,
    I am trying to login to get my licence key for Affiliates Pro purchase but I lost my password.
    But I don’t receive the email to reset my password when I use the option.

    How can you help me ?

    My account email is

    1. Hi Didier,

      You should have received one by now, please make sure to check your spam/junk folder. Please note that the license for that account expired in 2017, to renew access please purchase Affiliates Pro.


  22. Will Affiliate Pro allow me to do the following commission:
    0-25 purchases = 20% commission
    26-50 purchases = 25% commission
    51+ purchases = 50% commission

    If so, how is this done? If not, do you have a product that allows for this?

    1. Oh and I have just one product.

    2. Hi Amy,

      For this you could consider using formula-based rates. If you have a look at the documentation page for Rates in Affiliates Pro, you will find details on how these work under the heading Formula-based Rates. You would have to implement the affiliates_formula_computer_variables filter where you could compute the right percentage based on the number of orders, add that as a variable and use it in the formula to calculate the appropriate commission amount. As you can see, it is very flexible but will require you to code the filter.


  23. Hi,
    We are working on a affiliate site while your plugin (Affiliate Pro) & add-on (Affiliates Coupons) seems perfectly fits our needs. We would like to see whether we can visit your DEMO site while we can make sure the setting/control are cope with our design? Thanks~~

    1. Hi Garry,

      Thanks for considering our system! I would recommend to give the free version a try first which you can install directly. If that one feels good for the site you are building, Affiliates Pro will extend on it and you can then decide to use it.


  24. Hello,
    2 doubts regarding the Affiliate Pro:

    1- Is the € 49 for the Affilliate Pro license valid for 1 year?
    2- Are the commission settings for each affiliate flexible? or should it be one for everyone?

    Thank you.

    1. Hi Leandro,

      1 – Yes, please see Terms & Conditions for details.
      2 – Very flexible as our system provides Rates, so yes you can have those per Affiliate and much more.


  25. I would like to setup different commission rates based on program a level

    Something like
    free program level 1 and 2 2% level 3 &4 1%
    paid 288 program level 1 &2 5% level 3& 4 2% level 5 &6 1%

    I’d also like the last program to have unlimited levels

    1. Hi Patrick,

      For this you could use Affiliates Enterprise which supports Tiers. Please have a look at the Tiers and the Rates sections of the documentation for details.


  26. vincent Avatar


    I would like to know if the purchase with an affiliate coupon results in recognition in your plugin?

    Thank you

    1. Hi,

      Thanks for asking, yes that’s possible – see for details.


  27. It’s compatible with woocommerce 4.0?

    1. Hi, yes it is!

  28. My site has a key entered for upgrade but is not upgrading. How can I find out if my service has expired vs some other conflict or issue?

    1. Hi Jim,

      If it does not appear on the page for you while logged in, your access has expired. If you still have access, please use to get in touch with our premium support who will be happy to help you further.


  29. When I look at Totals, it is not showing commissions due. I have to physically go to Referrals and look at each order that is accepted and enter the amount due the affiliate under “Amount” in order for it to show how much I have to pay the affiliate. I have the “Rate” set to .1 for 10% commission. What am I missing? How can I fix this?


    1. Hi Valerie,

      Please have a look at this section in the documentation which explains it in detail – you will want to use the appropriate status to see the totals that are due, i.e. use the status Accepted for that case. For further help please use our premium support channel where our team will be happy to help you further: Thanks for using our system!


  30. I am reinstalling Affiliates pro after migrating my site to a new location and I am getting this error upon activation:

    Fatal error: Declaration of Affiliates_Link_Renderer_WordPress::render_affiliate_link($IXAP101 = Array, $IXAP156 = NULL) must be compatible with Affiliates_Link_Renderer::render_affiliate_link($IXAP101 = Array, $IXAP156 = NULL, $IXAP88 = Array) in wp-content\plugins\affiliates-pro\lib\ext\wordpress\class-affiliates-link-renderer-wordpress.php on line 2

    Please advise.

    1. Hi Jim,

      It seems that the files you have copied are inconsistent so I would advise to delete the whole folder and just install it again. If you need further help please post a support request in the Affiliates Pro section of our premium support forum.


  31. Hello

    I’m having difficulty with my Affiliates Pro plugin.

    Right now we have a sales report that gets sent out twice a day using the data that Affiliates Pro collects.

    It is done as a CRON event.

    The problem is that the sales report will also count orders that haven’t been fully processed. The most common problem is that when an affiliate is processing an order and the credit card information is put in incorrectly. If they attempt to make an incorrect payment with the credit card multiple times, it will all count.

    So say you have an order for $200. But the credit card is input wrong twice before going through. Affiliates Pro will report it as $600 that was purchased, instead of the correct $200.

    How can we correct this so the reporting is more accurate?

    This is the code we used for reference:

    global $wpdb, $affiliates_db;
    $service = 'export';
    $params = array();
    $params['tables'] = array(
    'affiliates' => $affiliates_db->get_tablename( 'affiliates' ),
    'affiliates_users' => $affiliates_db->get_tablename( 'affiliates_users' ),
    'referrals' => $affiliates_db->get_tablename( 'referrals' ),
    'users' => $wpdb->users,
    $params['from_date'] = date("y-m-d");
    Affiliates_Totals::get_mass_payment_file( $service, $params, get_option( 'blog_charset' ) );
    $report = ob_get_contents();

    1. Hi Felix,

      Your $params should also provide an indication of the referral status so that only accepted (valid yet unpaid) referrals are included: $params['referral_status'] = 'accepted';


      1. Thank you so much. That was really nice and helpful.

        I was wondering what’s the parameter or hook if I just wanted to grab an overall sales total from a specific period? The total across all affiliates, and able to narrow it down to just that day.

        1. Hi Felix,

          Glad it helped! You can use the from_date and thru_date parameters to delimit the period in the same fashion. E.g. $params['from_date'] = '2019-12-28'; $params['thru_date'] = '2019-12-28';


  32. Two more questions.
    1. Is there a way to import existing data/affiliates/transactions from AffiliateWP?
    2. This is a little more complicated. I use Gravity Forms for sales. Can I assign a different rate to different products/options?
    Example: my GF form so far sells only 1 product. In the past I have simply assigned one commission (like 10%) to the order total. In the future I’d like to offer either a second product or an add-on option for the first product, but I’ll need to assign a lower commission rate (3%) to it.
    Product 1: $10 (commission: 10%)
    Product 2: $50 (commission: 3%)
    I think I’ve seen you offering something like this in WooCommerce but I have to stick with GF. Is this possible to achieve with AffiliatesPro?

    1. Hi Yvonne,

      #1 You can use the free Affiliates Import to import affiliate users – transactions cannot be imported.
      #2 Yes that is possible if you use two different forms. You can then use different rates per form. Please have a look at the Rates section here – if you are doing a more complex setup with more products, I would also recommend to consider using WooCommerce which is also supported (with even more complex rate setups possible).


      1. Well, thanks.
        #2 I’m aware of the possibility to use different forms for different rate calculations, but that’s what I was trying to avoid. I actually wanted to sell product #2 as an add-on to product #1 to create the most convenient and successful order flow for the customer. However I can’t pay the same commission on both since the price calculations on each product are very different.
        But I understand that’s asking a lot.
        WooCommerce is unfortunately not an option since the customer needs to provide a huge amount of personal customization data, with many depending on conditional logic.
        Thanks for trying to help anyway.

        1. Hi Yvonne, thanks for explaining! You might be able to use the rates still in this case but it would require you to implement the commission calculation within a filter, based on the products related to the submitted form. If you check under “Formula-based Rates” on you will see that there is the possibility to pass variables to the rate so you could basically use the filter that is mentioned there to compute the desired commission amount and then pass it back to the rate via a variable. It requires a good understanding of how things work in Gravity Forms but if that’s an option for your project it should work.

  33. I couldn’t find an answer to this question.
    I have 3 different websites that I’d like to use. However I don’t want my affiliate partners nee to register 3 times, but only one time, while still being able to earn commissions with my 3 sites. Is that possible with Affiliates Pro or would I have to set up/install Affiliates Pro on each of my 3 sites and run it individually?

    1. Hi Yvonne,

      You would have to set it up on each of the three sites as the affiliate program cannot be shared among different sites.


      1. Rachel Avatar

        Hi I have a legal CBD business and have acquired square’s CBD friendly processing sector recently. Before this I have had both PayPal and Stripe dump me and ban me for selling CBD (terms and conditions violations according to them). Would I be able to use you pay outs if I am unable to qualify for a PayPal or stripe account?
        Thank you!

        1. Hi Rachel,

          Thanks for considering our system! The way you handle affiliate payments with it is quite independent of the payment platform you will be using. This is because the system does not handle payments to affiliates automatically, instead it provides the means to have them processed automatically via the payment platform. So, also in your case, you would obtain the totals due periodically from the system in the form of a text file, which you could then use to process the payments in bulk if your payment platform supports it, or issue them manually.

          Please have a look at the Totals in the documentation for Affiliates Pro or Totals for Affiliates Enterprise for details on the process.


    2. Thanks, I’ll look into it.

  34. Vira Romandash Avatar
    Vira Romandash

    The plugin doesn’t work
    Please help!

    1. Hi Vira,

      The plugin is used on thousands of sites and works fine, so that wouldn’t be the problem. But we can help you figure out any particular issues on your site. Please use this premium support forum to post your support request: and we will be happy to help you further.


  35. Hi

    I intend to create an affiliate system where the person would get a commission on the entire cart value and not just the single product price he is referring to (just like amazon affiliate).

    Could you please help me in achieving this?


    1. Hi Lavanya,

      The system will grant a commission on the full order by default so there’s nothing specific you would need to do except of course set up the commission rates accordingly.


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