WooCommerce Coupons for Affiliates

Affiliates Pro for WooCommerce now supports coupon codes.

Coupon codes are assigned to affiliates to credit them with a commission for each purchase the code is applied to. One or more codes can be assigned to an affiliate.

Details about how this works are outlined on the Coupons documentation page.

The integration with WooCommerce is the first to directly support coupons with Affiliates Pro.


32 responses to “WooCommerce Coupons for Affiliates”

  1. Hi, how can i do that the referral link from the affiliate give a discount to the clint with out used the coupons, only the link

    1. antonio Avatar

      Hi daniela,
      maybe Affiliates Woocoupons plugin can help you.
      Antonio B.

      1. i already try and said this:
        Fatal error: Call to undefined method WooCommerce::clear_messages() in /home/mdnsports14/public_html/wp-content/plugins/Affiliates-Woocoupons-master/affiliates-woocoupons.php on line 88

        1. antonio Avatar

          Ok, please redownload it.

  2. For the shortcode displaying coupon:
    [affiliates_affiliate_profile show_attributes="coupons"/]

    How can I change the heading displayed on front end? Instead of “Coupons” I want it to say “Coupon Code”

    1. Hi,
      you can use the plugin translations, please have a look to this comment.

  3. foreignnative Avatar

    It seems that the shortcodes have been changed from what’s listed in the guides. I have purchased this plugin within this year. Thanks in advance.

    This is the code on my affiliates area page:

    (edited: moved to pastebin)

    1. Hi,

      The shortcodes are still the same. There’s an interesting recent example Affiliate coupons rendered as text which you can drop in where you’ve indicated you would like to see the coupons assigned.


      1. Foreignnative Avatar

        I still don’t understand how to get the coupon name, discount percentage, and affiliate percentage to show. Thanks

        1. Please post a topic on this in the Forums with details on how you are using the shortcode. Note that the discount percentage of the coupon cannot be displayed.

  4. nm, figured it out. I had to use the Woocommerce coupon code tab and not the affiliate code tab.

    1. Thanks for following up on this!

  5. Hi. I own the coupon plugin with affiliates pro.

    I see we are only able to set percentage discounts. How can i set a dollar discount instead of percentage?


  6. lauri Avatar

    Hi, I am looking at purchasing this program and I wanted to know if you can just give the affiliate a code e.g. their name which they can provide customers and the customers can then enter the code when checking out to get a discount and the affiliate will then also receive a credit. Most of our affiliates will be personal trainers referring their clients so they cant really provide links etc. Thanks for your help

    1. Hi Lauri,

      It seems that you should be able to provide them with coupons which they can hand out to new customers, please have a look at the Coupons section in the documentation. You can assign the coupons manually to trainers and they can tell their clients to use these when they make a purchase. The system recognizes coupons assigned to affiliates and grants the corresponding commission.


      1. great thanks, just wanted to check. I didn’t really understand how the shortcode above was to be used.

        1. antonio Avatar

          If you need to show the coupon to your affiliates, as @Sander says you can use the shortcode in your affiliates-area page.
          If you need to assign a coupon to an affiliate, then in Affiliates->Manage Affiliates you can edit the affiliate and add the coupon.

    2. Sander Martijn Avatar
      Sander Martijn

      lauri – see the response to my question above – that shows how to do it.

  7. Hi – I am using this plugin and it seems to be working fine. However what I can’t figure out is how to display the coupon code in the affiliate area. I want to show this instead of the affiliate url as this is the only way affiliates will be using it. I don’t see a shortcode for it, so the question is a) is there one? or b) how can i do it instead? is there a method I can call?

    1. antonio Avatar

      you can use [affiliates_affiliate_profile /] shortcode. For example:
      [affiliates_affiliate_profile show_attributes="coupons" show_name="" show_email="" /]

  8. I have a coupon site and was hoping to use your product for my coupon site. Will this work for that whereby my affiliates will be rewarded for links they help sell services through. Your feedback will be appreciated.

    1. I think that would not be suitable for your site as the coupons and products you have are external. The plugin is useful when your clients can purchase on your own site and apply a coupon code on a purchase. That coupon, when linked to an affiliate, would grant the affiliate a referral.

  9. I’d like to add it to a specific affiliate.

    I installed the plugin via the plugin install tool and it activated fine, but can’t seem to access it without getting an Invalid data error when selecting Referral Amount Method.

    1. When you specify the custom method as an affiliate attribute, do it like this: ACM::custom_method – it will only accept valid methods, such as the one defined in the example plugin, in the form {class name}::{method}

  10. Hi Kento, thanks for everything, all perfectly clear, please can you confirm what the syntax should be if you select the referral method option for commission rates.

    Using your example online I’ve registered the custom method plugin, but whatever value I add in the value field after selecting referral method I get the error Invaild Data.

    I’m sure it’s something simple I’m missing?

    Thanks .

    1. Do you use it in the Affiliates > Settings section or do you want to apply it to a specific affiliate?

  11. Thanks for the quick reply. I have no filter set. When I use referral rates without coupon codes the Totals get added correctly, when I use referral rates with coupon codes they do not get calculated at all.

    Let me explain.

    I create a new affiliate and assign coupon codes and a referral rate of 0.2.

    A customer goes to the site (not via an affiliate link) purchases an item and uses an assigned coupon code to an affiliate.

    The coupon code is deducted correctly from the order.

    After the sale completes the affiliate is not accredited anything for the sale, although the sale is recorded under that affiliate under ‘Referrals’ as a 0.00 Amount – and under ‘Totals’ nothing is added – it should be 20% of the sale.

    Should a referral amount be used, then the referral amount is accredited to the affiliate.

    I’m using the latest versions Affiliate Pro & WooCommerce.

    Any ideas?

    1. Let me check your setup please, I’d say it is related to some setting but it’s hard to say without having a look.

    2. Everything’s working fine, the referrals with 0 amounts result from orders with 0 totals. The coupons you have applied to these orders result in 100% discount on the total order amount, you’re giving them away for free 🙂 and the resulting referral amount is in line with that.

  12. Hi, I recently purchased Woocommerce Affiliates Pro for the coupon functionality, it’s really good, but I’ve noticed an issue when setting referral rates against coupon codes. When referral rate is set to be say 0.2 (for 20%), the total to the affiliate isn’t calculated on the Totals page, if I choose a dollar value under Referral Amount the correct values are calculated.

    Is this a bug in the latest release, or am I missing something?

    1. Hi Tony, when you don’t choose a currency, it will show totals for all currencies. If you don’t see any, you probably have the status or another filter set? The filter settings are persistent through sessions.

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