
Affiliates ProAffiliates Enterprise

The Affiliates WordPress Plugin


Also refer to the Affiliates Plugins Feature Comparison.

  • Real-time reportingReferrals and affiliate link statistics are recorded and available instantly, as transactions are processed.

    Information for affiliates on the front end: show affiliates information about their referrals including totals by currency and referral status.

  • Integration with virtually any E-Commerce platformAffiliates provides an API which makes it compatible to use with virtually any E-Commerce and Membership system.

    Affiliates Pro Integration packs are available for several platforms. More integrations are added constantly on request.

  • Unlimited AffiliatesSimply have as many affiliates as you can get.
  • Easy affiliate recruitmentAffiliates can sign up automatically and can also be added manually with or without user accounts.
  • Feedback is welcomeDo you have feature requests or want to provide feedback? Please get in touch, the Affiliates plugins evolve with your needs.
  • Free or contribution basedThe Affiliates plugin is free and Open Source. If you want to use it, simply install it from your WordPress Dashboard or download it from WordPress.org.

    Affiliates Pro and Enterprise are contributor releases with additional features. Contributions help to make the plugins even more awesome. Thanks!

  • Quick & Easy InstallationUpload/install and activate the plugin from your WordPress Dashboard.

Affiliates Pro & Enterprise

  • Banner Management
  • Notifications
  • Videos : A collection of videos showing features available in the free Affiliates plugin and additional features available in Affiliates Pro and Enterprise.
  • Screenshots : Some sample pages set up with Affiliates Pro.
  • Fixed, percentage or formula based commissionsReferral amounts can be flat rates, percentage of net sales amounts and based on custom formulas.

    These can be set in general and per affiliate.

  • Flexible affiliate areasCreate as many pages as you need showing affiliates their stats, banners, links, profile, …
  • Mass Payments and Enhanced TotalsExport totals and generate PayPal mass payment files. Simply pay your affiliates all at once. Pay-outs can be based on accumulated totals.
  • Custom featuresThe Affiliates system provides an extensive API for developers which allows to customize it to any client’s requirements.

The Affiliates plugin provides the right tools to maintain an Affiliate Marketing Program.

Important features include automated affiliate registration, an unlimited affiliate management section and the ability to integrate Affiliates with virtually any E-Commerce platform. Free and premium integrations are available.

The Affiliates plugin provides an ideal affiliate system for sellers, shops and developers who want to get started with their affiliate program right “out of the box”.

It also provides a solid framework for developers, who wish to build customized solutions based on a sound data model. With unlimited affiliate program management tools available on the back end and a set of shortcodes to provide Affiliates information on their performance on the front end, there is everything you need to start an affiliate program.

Affiliates Pro and Enterprise provide additional features for sellers, shops and developers.

If you need to manage an Affiliate Marketing Program, track visits to your site with affiliate links, the affiliates plugin is right for you. It provides the tools to maintain a partner referral program.

Simply put, the affiliates plugin is used to manage affiliates, create referrals and track visits to your site through affiliate links.
Referrals are stored and attributed to an affiliate, for example if clients place orders on your site and you need to credit your affiliates.


Free and premium integrations are available.

Pro & Enterprise

These integrations are included with Affiliates Pro and Affiliates Enterprise:

Light Integrations

These integrations are freely available to be used with any of the Affiliates plugins.



Please refer to the Documentation pages.


What this plugin is not

It is not intended to keep track of links to other sites that you as a member of an affiliate program may have. For that, please try the Affiliate toolbox.



1,415 responses to “Affiliates”

  1. Hello,

    I have installed the free version. How do I assign a commission rate to my affiliate?

    1. Hi Jasmine,

      Simply install the light integration for WooCommerce and indicate the commission rate as detailed on this documentation page.


  2. Hi.
    My client is using wordpress.com for his woocommerce site. I have installed and configured the free version of Affiliates plugin there. This works ok, except when a new affiliate submits the registration form it sends them an email with thrie login details, and then they are forced through a wordpress.com login. So, without their own wordpress.com account they cannot access the dashboard. Is this an expected action?
    Best regards, Martin

    1. Hi Martin,

      With the site hosted on WordPress.com I believe the account must be registered this way, as the users are “shared” across sites on the domain. I’m not sure if that can be changed, but it’s not something you would be able to control from within the settings of the Affiliates plugin itself. For example, when registering an account with a site, one has to accept the WordPress.com TOS and Privacy Policy, you might want to get in touch with WordPress.com support for further explanations on how that works.


  3. Hi there

    I need an affiliate program plugin that will track a customer who uses an affiliate link but only purchases something later down the road. We have a few backend processes on the customer journey that the we have to go through.

    The plugin also needs to allow for a tier affiliate program where affiliates can have affiliates under them. It also needs to cater for bank payout as Paypal and Stripe aren’t supported in South Africa. So a traditional bank payout option is needed.

    Commission is only to be assigned after the third month of a the customer being on the subscription based product.

    Does your plugin cater for all this?

    1. Hi Nicholas,

      Based on what you describe, our Affiliates Enterprise should be close enough to your requirements. Please have a look at the documentation for the system where you can contrast your requirements against its features.

      Regarding the requirement to assign commissions after the third month, you will need to have a customized Formula-based Rate developed. A developer familiar with WooCommerce and WooCommerce Subscriptions will be able to help you with that part very easily.


  4. Hello! I am seriously considering using your plugin, and I have a few questions:

    I am developing a saas with monthly membership and I want to have an affiliate program.

    The sales flow I am looking for is the following:

    1. Person A (who is a member of the site and an affiliate) submits their affiliate link.

    2. Person B (not a member of the site or an affiliate) clicks and goes to my saas.

    3. Person B uses their email to register as a member using the free membership (the free membership is the only membership on the front end. Even if person B wants to buy a paid membership, they need to register with the free membership first).

    4. After her registration, and being already a member, I offer him/her paid memberships.

    5. If Person B purchases a paid membership, the commission should be allocated to Person A, regardless of how much time has passed since Person B signed up.

    1. Join Person B’s email with Person A’s account, so the commissions do not depend on the duration of the cookies.
    I’ve seen some other plugins call this “lifetime commissions”, “recurring commission tracking” or “email tracking”.

    2. All future payments made by Person B must be tracked and the commission assigned to Person A.

    3. When person B registers as a member with the free membership he/she also automatically gets her/him registered to the affiliate program.

    What am I currently using?
    – WordPress as CMS.
    – Simple Membership WordPress plugin as a membership manager.
    – Affiliates Manager plugin for affiliate management (it’s from the same company as Simple Membership and they easily integrate with each other).
    – Node.js and Firestore to develop the saas, but it will be on a subdomain (for example: app.domain.com)

    Why am I looking for options?
    Affiliates Manager only tracks sales using cookies.

    So if Person B signs up using Person A’s affiliate link, I can’t track that sign up.

    That is, if person B “purchases” the free membership, Affiliates Manager does not detect that purchase.

    It only detects a purchase when a monetary transaction is made, and the tracking of that depends on the duration of the cookies.

    So, I cannot guarantee Person A will receive a commission for the member who referred me (Person B).

    Because if Person B makes a purchase AFTER the cookie has expired, that commission is not going to be tracked or delivered to Person A.

    My question is: can your plugin fix this?

    I apologize in advance if my message is too long or if it has grammatical errors, my English is not that good.

    1. Hi there!

      Thanks for reaching out and the detailed explanation, I think you could cover your requirements using the following, but keep in mind that also the integration is important:

      You could use Affiliates Permanent to keep the referred customer related to the affiliate who initially referred him. So when the customer gets the inital free membership, their account will be related to that affiliate and when the customer purchases the paid membership, the affiliate is credited for it.

      Our system does not support the Simple Membership plugin you mention. Instead, our recommendation would be to use WooCommerce + WooCommerce Subscriptions + Affiliates Pro as our system supports recurring referrals for the subscriptions.

      I would recommend to have a look at the documentation section of the WooCommerce integration for Affiliates Pro here, so you see how Recurring Referrals are handled. Please also have a look at the documentation for Affiliates Permanent, which you would need to maintain the lifetime referrals/commissions.

      I hope this helps you to see how these components could be used together to cover your requirements.


  5. A minor fix is recommended. When we disable the user registration email to the affiliate from the notification tab, it should also disable the message shown after the registration form is submitted saying to check your email, even if no email has been sent.

    1. Hi Zohaib,

      As an easy solution, you could hide the parts that you don’t want to appear using CSS. Would that work for your case?


  6. Hi everyone,

    I want to know if WordPress.org generates an affiliate link to be promoted in other platforms. I am confused and I do not know if we can have an affiliate link from wordpress.org.


    1. Hi Nidzy,

      There’s no referral program for .org, nothing’s being sold there. If you want to refer people to the WordPress community, you can simply point them there.
      For .com however, there is a referral program https://refer.wordpress.com which is currently invite-only.


  7. Hanz Ahmat Avatar
    Hanz Ahmat

    Hi, thanks for the great plugin. Couple of questions i have

    1- After some testing, realized that after registered, new affiliate need to login first before could see affiliate details. How can i make them auto-login after registration? My plan is to redirect user after they registered to some pages that includes their affiliate link, show their dashboard etc as part of onboarding flow.

    2- Let say I enabled 10 fields at setting. But in registration page i would like to show only 5 fields. How can i do this? [affiliates_fields] seems like can do this, but [affiliates_registration] cannot.

    3- Is there a way to show some kind of “Leaderboards”? For affiliate contest purpose; monthly or seasonal contest.

    4- Is there a way to show a table like “Recently registered affiliate”. I plan to put data like this at the registration page to encourage people to register.

    5- How can i (Administrator) manually update affiliate data? Even when i go to their user profile i cannot see affiliate information.

    Thanks in advance

    1. Hi Hanz,

      Great to hear that you like it!

      1 – You can use Affiliates Auto Login for this purpose. I thought it might be an interesting thing to do for cases like yours, so I just wrote it as a plugin instead of providing loose code to show you how to do it. The plugin has an action and a filter that allow to disable a redirect and the alter the redirect URL (see its readme.txt).

      2 – Disable the fields that you don’t want to show under Affiliates > Settings > Registration. I would use the [affiliates_dashboard] shortcode instead, which has the whole dashboard sections integrated automatically.

      3 – You would have to implement this yourself, as there is no standard leaderboard already integrated with the system.

      4 – Yes you could do that, you could look up the latest affiliate entries in the system’s tables for that.

      5 – You can do this under Affiliates > Manage Affiliates.


  8. This new post How to monetize Affiliate Memberships in Niche Markets is kind of an interesting tutorial for those who can get their customers enthusiastic about using and promoting their product. The article gives the example of an indie game developer who sells an exciting new game.

  9. Version 4.12.0 released 🙂

  10. Hello, This extension is really great for running an affiliate program. But I am having a problem with the plugin. After I finish paying my affiliates, I close the paid totals, despite this the paid totals still remain displayed on my affiliate dashboard as recent earnings. I want to solve this problem, who could help me find a solution please?

    1. Hi,

      That is correct, the earnings don’t just disappear, they appear as paid once the related referrals are closed. You can see this for example on this documentation page for the related shortcode. Note that you don’t need to use this shortcode if you are already using the generated page which has the full dashboard combined, or the equivalent blocks.


  11. Hello. There was a problem using the affiliate’s free plug-in. If you connect through the affiliated url, you will not be able to purchase it, but you will be paid a partnership fee even if the product is in your shopping cart. I want to pay the fee only if the payment is made.
    And there will be a problem where the affiliate fee per product is doubled. I would appreciate it if you could tell me how to solve this problem.

    1. Hi San,

      Thanks for asking, this sounds like you will need a customized solution. I’m not sure if the process you are envisioning is something that a normal affiliate system would support – if you haven’t already made yourself familiar with the Affiliates plugin and how it works with WooCommerce – which I think would be closest to what you are looking for – then I would suggest to have a look at this documentation page for the free WooCommerce integration.


    2. Hello, I have a big problem with the extension is that I can’t see where I can empty the balance of my affiliates after paying them. I don’t know if I can find someone to help me do this please?

      1. Hi,

        Please have a look at the Totals section of the documentation where closing referrals is explained.


  12. Hi there,

    We’ve been unable to remove the long slug that appears after all page URLs.

    e.g. https://cirrus.earth/?v=e4dd286dc7d7

    I assume it is the Affiliates plugin, though it appears irrespective of referrals. Does anyone have any ideas for how to fix this?


    1. Hey Ross,

      Doesn’t look like anything related to the plugin … I’d check other plugins or your server settings.


  13. Do any versions of the affiliates plugin allow me to set the commission to only pay out once a affiliates link is used 10 times instead of paying out after each time the link is used?

    1. Hi Caleb,

      How do you define “affiliate link is used” – do you mean a) clicks on the link or do you mean b) actual purchases referred by the affiliate? The Affiliates system (and all its variants) is designed to track visits to affiliate links and if e.g. a purchase has been made and can be linked to a previous affiliate link visit, the affiliate would get credited appropriately. This does not depend on how many times a link has been clicked, but whether the link has been visited by the customer previous to purchase.

      If you’re looking for something that rewards clicks, have a look at this documentation page Pay per Click; for rewards on referred ordered with WooCommerce, have a look at the WooCommerce integration documentation page.


      1. By used I meant purchases made. How can I set the commission to not take effect until a single affiliate link has been used for 10 separate purchases? Can this be done in the free version or do I need to upgrade to the pro version?

        1. For this I would use Affiliates Pro which provides Formula-based Rates (links to documentation) and makes the whole thing a lot easier to implement.

          Please note that you would have to implement a filter (see Customizing Variables on that same documentation page). This is not something that you could do with a few settings, you must implement the algorithm that decides the commission rate granted.

          With that approach, you could grant 0 commissions on the first 9 purchases, and only apply a non-zero commission rate as of the tenth.

          Or you could combine it with the affiliates_record_referral filter, that would return false for the first 9 referrals.

          I should stress that the above requires ample knowledge of both the WooCommerce API and the Affiliates Pro API as you will need to check which referrals are related to orders referred by the same affiliate. Implementing this would certainly not be included as part of the support we provide, as that is a very particular customization.

  14. Hello I have a question in regards to the affiliate integration to WooCommmerce. Everything works fine except Affiliate doesn’t track sales done with WooCommerce.

    I’ve sent the referral link to a different VM and when I click on the link I can see the visit under “Visits & Referrals” but if I buy something in the store it doesn’t count towards referrals. It still show as 1. I bought a product worth 0.5$ for testing.

    The “Affiliates WooCommerce Integration Light” is active.
    The referal rate is at 0,05.

    Any help would be appreciated.

    1. Hi Abel,

      Great, thanks for using it! I’d recommend to have a look at the troubleshooting section as it sounds typical of a caching or related issue: http://docs.itthinx.com/document/affiliates/troubleshooting/


  15. need to add affiliate plugin which requires social sharing, affiliate compulsory need to enter an address, who enter the address that only allows creating an account. payout option needs to add. also can customize as per requirement

    1. Hi, you can review these documentation pages against your requirements:

      Affiliates (free version)
      Affiliates Pro
      Affiliates Enterprise


      1. Pratiksha Kulkarni Avatar
        Pratiksha Kulkarni

        Hi, Thanks for the document I am still not clear one thing
        Added Affiliate plugin also add this plugin
        but how affiliate Id get attached to product Url when we share on social media

        1. Hi,

          Affiliates an get affiliate links to any page via their dashboard which is created by default. You can see details on this here.

          You can also use the [affiliates_url] shortcode providing url="current" within a sidebar block.

          Beyond those, Affiliates Pro and Affiliates Enterprise provide integrations with further social sharing plugins.


      2. affiate prd Avatar
        affiate prd

        Thanks for the update but can please tell me something on specific things which I mention below

        We want to know if the following is possible using Affiliate (https://www.itthinx.com/shop/affiliates-pro/)
        Or by using any other affiliate like Add this of affiliate Pro (https://docs.itthinx.com/document/affiliates-pro/setup/settings/integrations/addthis/)

        1) Ability to add custom filed in Affiliate registration (e.g. Address)
        2) When Affiliate is logged in, they will have social sharing links on each product page with affiliate id embedded in the link when shared. We plan to have What’s App, Facebook, Instagram, and Email as social sharing options.
        3) Developer access to Affiliate address submitted by an affiliate, so our code can pull out the address and display the same on the product page.

        1. Hi,

          1) You would use one of the form plugin integrations, as you’re going to need Affiliates Pro or Enterprise with the sharing features, you would also have extended functionality available. See https://docs.itthinx.com/document/affiliates-pro/setup/settings/integrations/ for currently supported form plugins.

          2) For sharing, you could use one of these integrations (both require Affiliates Pro or Affiliates Enterprise):


          3) You would use customized templates. See https://docs.itthinx.com/document/affiliates-pro/themes/ and template-related and other API on https://docs.itthinx.com/document/affiliates-pro/api/


  16. Is there a way to set % based commissions on referrals?
    Can only seem to see fixed amount, maybe Im missing something?

    1. Hi, yes that’s possible. Using the free version, please have a look at the various integrations that allow to do that, for example as documented here for the free WooCommerce integration.


  17. Millicent Mildred Avatar
    Millicent Mildred

    Pre sale question – Clicks and Visits registered, but Referrals not
    I have installed Affiliates, which I really like, and followed all steps as documented. All clicks and visits are being registered correctly but once someone registers, the referral is not updated. I have enabled the button on “Enable the user registration integration” I have checked the recommended integrations but none seems to apply because I m using “AdForest – Classified Ads WordPress Theme” which has a custom registration form. How can this be sorted?

    1. Hi Mildred,

      It seems that the custom registration form you are using does not tie into the normal user registration process and thus no referrals are recorded even though you have the User Registration integration enabled. I would recommend to use any of our supported form plugins instead, which we support via the appropriate integrations. Please have a look at http://docs.itthinx.com/document/affiliates/setup/settings/integrations/ where you will find details on those (Contact Form 7, Formidable, Ninja Forms).


      1. Millicent Avatar

        Thanks Kento for your guidance. I have tested and they are breaking functionality of my Theme. Is there another option which maintains my current form?

        1. Hi Mildred, I’m following-up instead of Karim.

          If you really have to use your theme’s registration form, then you should ask your theme support to modify this form and use standard WP API for registering new users. In case this helps them further, the user registration integration used in Affiliates Pro, fires right after a user has been registered, using the do_action( ‘user_register’, int $user_id ) hook.

          Kind regards,

          1. Millicent Avatar

            Thanks George, let me explore and see how it goes.

  18. Francesco Avatar

    Hi, I’ve a problem, the plugin is correctly tracking visitors and clicks, but no reference is being tracked.. How can I fix it?

    1. Hi Francesco,

      It sounds like you haven’t activated any integration yet. Given that your site is using WooCommerce, you should activate the corresponding integration. Please have a look at this documentation page where you will find details http://docs.itthinx.com/document/affiliates/setup/settings/integrations/woocommerce/


  19. For the free version of Affiliates, on the login page of the plugin, when a user tries to login and fails, he will be redirected to the WordPress login page ( wp-login.php).
    How to stop this redirect?

  20. Hello, pre-sale question:
    it’s possible to make general rules for affiliates like these?
    5% 0-20 products sell in a month
    7% 21-40 products sell in a month
    10% 41-60 products sell in a month


    1. Hi Paolo,

      Thanks for considering our software! Yes, it is possible to set our system up using such a commission scheme. You would require Affiliates Pro or Affiliates Enterprise for that.

      You would be using formula-based Rates and a customized plugin that implements your commission scheme based on the monthly number of product sales referred.

      Our support team would help you with that if you decide to use our solution.

      If you decide to give it a try, please make sure to post a support request here after your purchase and our team will help you set things up.


  21. Hello, I am surprised to not see any option for changing the URL link for affiliates. All options are http://www.website.com/?affiliates=1 and the only thing that changes is the number at the end.

    It would be much nicer to provide partners with a link that had their name, something like http://www.website.com/a/henry , or literally anything cleaner than ?affiliates=1

    Is that possible?

    1. Hi Matt, thanks for using our system! I think what you want is covered by an extension we provide which is documented here: http://docs.itthinx.com/document/affiliates-by-username/ – please have a look if that would be a fit.

  22. Hello Kento.. Thank you for your job. Is there a way (from the side of the affilaiate) to keep the tracking on a vendor site where there is not shopping kart? If yes, Could you send me a link that explaines it? thank you a ton!

    1. Hi Ronald, please have a look at http://docs.itthinx.com/document/affiliates/setup/settings/integrations/ where you can see the different ones that the free version supports. Cheers!

  23. Hello, I am using this plugin along with Woocommerce Integration Light. How do I set it up so that when an affiliate refers someone that purchases a subscription, that they get a commission every single month? As in, every time that the subscription order goes through, for my affiliate to get their commission?

    1. Hi,

      For this you would need to use Affiliates Pro or Affiliates Enterprise as those support commissions on recurring subscription payments. You can see details on that in these sections of the documentation so you can decide to use them:



      1. George Perelshteyn Avatar
        George Perelshteyn

        Okay I’ll purchase it now then. Yesterday I purchased the “Affiliates Permanent” plugin because I thought that is what was needed. How do I go about getting it refunded since it’s the wrong plugin?

        1. Hi George, many thanks for your purchase! The other one has already been refunded to you.

  24. Hello, I am creating a site with Affiliates
    And I would like to add additional content to the Affiliates Dashboard page.
    The problem is that if I put something on that page, it will automatically put it on all the others.
    And I tried to make them seperately with shortcodes but they don’t connect with each other.
    Can you help me?

    1. Hi,

      You can easily adjust things by customizing the templates – please have a look at this section in the documentation for details: http://docs.itthinx.com/document/affiliates/api/templates/


  25. Hesam Khoorabeh Avatar
    Hesam Khoorabeh

    Hi i have use the normal affiliates with woocommerce light
    i want the commission to apply only for one of my product and not all. how i can achieve that ?

    1. Hi,

      You would have to use Affiliates Pro for that.


  26. Hi, I’m looking at recommending this to a client. It works well for what they need. I have tested it using the Contact Form 7 integration plugin. But I’m concerned because the Contact Form 7 integration plugin hasn’t been updated in 2 years and whilst it currently works I wonder how much longer it will. Do you plan to update that plugin?

    1. Hi TC,

      Thanks for asking! Yes, we update meaningful extensions regularly and my guess is that we will be supporting the Contact Form 7 integration further on.


  27. Nishani Fors A Avatar
    Nishani Fors A

    Registration notifications to affiliates:

    This mail contains login URL, username and password. I want to edit that mail content. Is this possible?

    Thanks in advance.

    Please answer my question as soon as possible.

    1. Hi,

      You can use the notification filters documented here.


  28. HI admin, I’m trying to use this plugin for its “User Registration” (pay per lead) function with Memberful plugin. New user will subscribe/register via Memberful. Sadly from my end, it did track hit and visit but not referral. So I wonder if its really not working or its only not working at my end

    1. Hi Richard,

      I guess that the plugin you are using is doing it’s own thing and skips the usual actions and filters that are involved when a new user is created. In that case, it won’t be compatible.


  29. Hi

    So Im responding for another issue and I have no clue where to submit it…honeslty your acces to support suck really really bad…I mean I have to log in to fill in a ticket…but i dont have an account…so th only option is to reset password…but I dont get one……Seriously Ive been figuring your support system out for the whole morning, this just doesnt add up at all

    Anyways your recaptcha pluging is mailfunction (i also see it hasnt been updates for 3 yers??) It worked last week, than I add a reCaptcha to another form via elementor (so I copy pasted the exact V2 keys in Elementor integrations)……..and than all of a sudden the reCaptcha doesnt work anymore at the registration affilaite page. And yes yes I did everything coorect, its V2 generated multiple time new keys, cleared cache.

    Currently I have set the lementor recaptcha at V3 (so other keys) and Affilaite recaptcha at v2…..still not working….

    And again…make your support system more transparant, this is hugely frustrating…I mean with YITH affilaite there is a support email which get responded the same morning………………….

    1. Hi Hugo,

      The Affiliates reCAPTCHA still works correctly, although the extension’s compatibility info has not been updated, I can confirm that our tests with the latest version of WordPress show that it works fine. Of course we should update it to reflect that. The source of your problem seems to be with what you try to achieve with Elementor, if the recommended use does not work within an Elementor block, then they’re simply not compatible.


  30. Hi great plugin. I am aa bit confused though regarding linking a coupon-code to an affiliate: I understand that it should be possible via attributes, but I cant find it. Is that available in the free version?

    1. Hi Hugo,

      Thanks for the question, coupons are supported with Affiliates Pro and Affiliates Enterprise. You can see details in the documentation for Affiliates Pro under Coupons or for Affiliates Enterprise on Coupons. Extended features are available with the Affiliates Coupons extension which you will find documented here.


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